Renesas Electronics
The HD404889, HD404899, and HD404868 Series comprise low-voltage, 4-bit single-chip microcomputers with a variety of on-chip supporting functions that include an LCD circuit, A/D converter, multifunctional timers, and large-current I/O pins. These devices are suitable for system and display panel control in a wide range of applications, including pagers, remote controllers, and home appliances equipped with an LCD display.
• 46 I/O pins (HD404889/HD404899/HD404878 Series)
41 I/O pins (HD404868 Series)
Large-current I/O pins (source: 10 mA max.):4
Large-current I/O pins (sink: 15 mA max.): 8 (HD404889/HD404899/HD404878 Series)
6 (HD404868 Series)
LCD segment multiplexed pins:16
Analog input multiplexed pins: 6 (HD404889 and HD404899 Series)
4 (HD404868 Series)
• Four Timer/counters
8-bit timer: 2 (HD404889/HD404899/HD404878 Series)
1 (HD404868 Series)
16-bit timer:1 (Can also be used as two 8-bit timer)
• 8-bit input capture circuit (HD404889/HD404899/HD404878 Series)
• Two timer outputs (including PWM out-put)
• Two event counter inputs (edge-programmable) (HD404889/HD404899/HD404878 Series)
One event counter input (edge-programmable) (HD404868 Series)
• Clock-synchronous 8-bit serial interface
• A/D converter
6 channels × 8-bit (HD404889 Series)
6 channels × 10-bit (HD404899 Series)
4 channels × 10-bit (HD404868 Series)
• LCD controller/driver (32 segments × 4 commons)
(HD404889/HD404899/HD404878 Series)
(24 segments × 4 commons) (HD404868 Series)
• On-chip oscillators
Main clock (ceramic resonator, crystal resonator,
or external clock operation possible)
Sub-clock (32.768 kHz crystal resonator)
• Interrupts
External: 3 (including one edge-programmable)
Internal : 6 (HD404889 and HD404899 Series)
: 5 (HD404878 and HD404868 Series)
• Subroutine stack up to 16 levels, including interrupts
• Four Low-power dissipation modes
• Module standby (timers, serial interface, A/D converter)
• System clock division software switching (1/4 or 1/32)
• Inputs for return from stop mode (wakeup): 4
• Instruction execution time
Min. 0.89 µs (fOSC = 4.5 MHz)
• Operation voltage
1.8 V to 5.5 V