Hynix Semiconductor
The GMS81C1404 and GMS81C1408 are an advanced CMOS 8-bit microcontroller with 4K/8K bytes of ROM. The Hynix semiconductor’s GMS81C1404 and GMS81C1408 are a powerful microcontroller which provides a highly flexible and cost effective solution to many small applications such as controller for battery charger. The GMS81C1404 and GMS81C1408 provide the following standard features: 4K/8K bytes of ROM, 192 bytes of RAM, 8-bit timer/counter, 8-bit A/D converter, 10-bit high speed PWM output, programmable buzzer driving port, 8-bit serial communication port, on-chip oscillator and clock circuitry. In addition, the GMS81C1404 and GMS81C1408 supports power saving modes to reduce power consump tion.
• 4K/8K Bytes On-chip Program Memory
• 192 Bytes of On-chip Data RAM(Included stack memory)
• Instruction Cycle Time:
- 250nS at 8MHz
• 23 Programmable I/O pins (LED direct driving can be source and sink)
• 2.2V to 5.5V Wide Operating Range
• One 8-bit A/D Converter
• One 8-bit Basic Interval Timer
• Four 8-bit Timer / Counters
• Two 10-bit High Speed PWM Outputs
• Watchdog timer (can be operate with internal RC-oscillation)
• One 8-bit Serial Peripheral Interface
• Twelve Interrupt sources
- External input: 4
- A/D Conversion: 1
- Serial Peripheral Interface: 1
- Timer: 6
• One Programmable Buzzer Driving port
- 500Hz ~ 130kHz
• Oscillator Type
- Crystal
- Ceramic Resonator
• Noise Immunity Circuit
- Power Fail Processor
• Power Down Mode
- STOP mode
- Wake-up Timer mode