EM Microelectronic - MARIN SA
General Description
The EM4035 is a CMOS integrated circuit intended for use in contactless Read/Write transponders. The EM4035 is completely ISO15693 compliant and is a member of ISO 15693 standard passive Read/Write RF tags operating at 13.56MHz.
The Chip contains an implementation of a crypto-algorithm with 96 bit of user configurable secret-Keys contained in EEPROM.
■ ISO15693 Standard: Fully Compliant
■ Operating Frequency: 13.56MHz ± 7KHz
■ 64-bit Unique Identifier (UID)
■ 3.2K bit EEPROM organised in 50 words of 64 bits
■ Support Application Field Identifier (AFI)
■ Smart Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS)
■ On Chip Crypto-Algorithm
■ Mutual authentication using symetrical challenge / response exchange
■ Power-check for EEPROM write operation
■ Resonant capacitor integrated on chip 28pF or 95pF (selectable by mask option)
■ No external supply buffer capacitor needed
■ Very low Power consumption (no battery needed)
■ -40 to +85°C Temperature range
■ Bonding pads optimised for flip-chip assembly
■ High security hands-free access Control
■ Anti-counterfeiting
■ Ticketing
■ Asset management