austriamicrosystems AG
General Description
The AS1904/5/6 family is an ultra low-power supervisory circuit device.
The device can be used to monitor the supply voltage of digital systems and microprocessors and initiate a reset when the voltage goes below a predefined threshold.
The duration of the reset is 5/20/100/500ms (typ.) after the supply voltage has risen above the threshold.
The device exhibits excellent reliability and can reduce application costs by eliminating all external components.
■ Low 150nA (typical) Supply Current
■ Precision Monitoring of 2.5-, 3-, and 3.3V-Power Supplies
■ Supply Voltage Range 1.0 to 3.6V
■ Reset Threshold Available from 2.2 to 3.1V
■ Available in three Versions
- AS1904 Push-Pull RESETN
- AS1905 Push-Pull RESET
- AS1906 Open Drain RESETN
■ 4 Time-Out Periods Ranging from 5 to 500ms
■ Detection Voltage Accuracy: ±1.5%
■ Temperature Range: -40 to +85°C
■ SOT23-3 Package
■ Superior Upgrade to austriamicrosystems AS1901/2/3 Device Family
The devices are ideal for computers, intelligent instruments, controllers, critical microprocessor and microcontroller, power monitoring and portable/batterypowered equipment.