Analog Devices
The ADM1060 is a programmable supervisory/sequencing device that offers a single chip solution for multiple power supply fault detection and sequencing in communications systems.
Faults detected on 7 independent supplies
1 high voltage supply (2 V to 14.4 V)
4 positive voltage only supplies (2 V to 6 V)
2 positive/negative voltage supplies
(+2 V to +6 V and –2 V to –6 V)
Watchdog detector input—timeout delay programmable
from 200 ms to 12.8 sec
4 general-purpose logic inputs
Programmable logic block—combinatorial and sequencing
logic control of all inputs and outputs
9 programmable output drivers:
Open collector (external resistor required)
Open collector with internal pull-up to VDD
Fast internal pull-up to VDD
Open collector with internal pull-up to VPn
Fast internal pull-up to VPn
Internally charge-pumped high drive (for use with
external N-channel FETs—PDOs 1 to 4 only)
EEPROM—256 bytes of user EEPROM
Industry-standard 2-wire bus interface (SMBus)
Guaranteed PDO low with VPn, VH = 1 V
Central office systems
Infrastructure network boards
High density, multivoltage system cards