Analog Devices
The AD9621 is one of a family of very high speed and wide bandwidth amplifiers utilizing a voltage feedback architecture. These amplifiers define a new level of performance for voltage feedback amplifiers, especially in the categories of large signal bandwidth, slew rate, settling, and low noise.
Proprietary design architectures have resulted in an amplifier family that combines the most attractive attributes of both current feedback and voltage feedback amplifiers. The AD9621 exhibits extraordinarily accurate and fast pulse response characteristics (7 ns settling to 0.1%) as well as extremely wide small and large signal bandwidth previously found only in current feedback amplifiers. When combined with balanced high impedance inputs and low input noise current more common to voltage feedback architectures, the AD9621 offers performance not previously available in a monolithic operational amplifier.
350 MHz Small Signal Bandwidth
130 MHz Large Signal BW (4 V p-p)
High Slew Rate: 1200 V/ms
Fast Settling: 11 ns to 0.01%/7 ns to 0.1%
63 V Supply Operation
ADC Input Driver
Differential Amplifiers
IF/RF Amplifiers
Pulse Amplifiers
Professional Video
DAC Current-to-Voltage
Baseband and Video Communications
Pin Diode Receivers
Active Filters/lntegrators/Log Amps