Analog Devices
The AD8564 is quad 7 ns comparator with separate input and output supplies, thus enabling the input stage to be operated from ±5 V dual supplies or a +5 V single supply while maintaining a CMOS/TTL-compatible output.
Fast 7 ns propagation delay makes the AD8564 a good choice for timing circuits and line receivers. Independent analog and digital supplies provide excellent protection from supply pin interaction. The AD8564 is pin compatible with the MAX901, and has lower supply currents.
+5 V Single-Supply Operation
7 ns Propagation Delay
Low Power
Separate Input and Output Sections
TTL and CMOS Logic Compatible Outputs
Wide Output Swing
TSSOP, SOIC and PDIP Packages
High Speed Timing
Line Receivers
Data Communications
High Speed V-to-F Converters
Battery Operated Instrumentation
High Speed Sampling Systems
Window Comparators
Read Channel Detection
Upgrade for MAX901 Designs