Analog Devices
The AD5253/AD5254 are quad channel, I2C, nonvolatile memory, digitally controlled potentiometers with 64/256 positions, respectively. These devices perform the same electronic adjust ment functions as mechanical potentiometers, trimmers, and variable resistors.
AD5253: Quad 64-position resolution
AD5254: Quad 256-position resolution
1 kΩ, 10 kΩ, 50 kΩ, 100 kΩ
Nonvolatile memory1 stores wiper settings with write protection
Power-on refreshed to EEMEM settings in 300 µs typ
EEMEM rewrite time = 540 µs typ
Resistance tolerance stored in nonvolatile memory
12 extra bytes in EEMEM for user-defined information
I2C® compatible serial interface
Direct read/write accesses of RDAC2 and EEMEM registers
Predefined linear increment/decrement commands
Predefined ±6 dB step change commands
Synchronous or asynchronous quad channel update
Wiper setting readback
4 MHz bandwidth—1 kΩ version
Single supply 2.7 V to 5.5 V
Dual supply ±2.25 V to ±2.75 V
2 slave address decoding bits allow operation of 4 devices
100-year typical data retention, TA = 55°C
Operating temperature: –40°C to +85°C
Mechanical potentiometer replacement
Low resolution DAC replacement
RGB LED backlight control
White LED brightness adjustment
RF base station power amp bias control
Programmable gain and offset control
Programmable attenuators
Programmable voltage-to-current conversion
Programmable power supply
Programmable filters
Sensor calibrations