HEYClean™ Liquid Tight Threaded Vent Plugs With Integral Sealing Ring and Liquid Tight Filter
• Integral sealing ring ensures a superior seal at mounting hole location, every time; IP 65, IP 67 and IP 68 Rated.
• Allow the passage of air for ventilation and heat dissipation, yet prevent moisture intrusion.
• Maximum airflow: >16.6 LPM/3.7cm2 @ 13.5 psi.
• Filter membrane prevents moisture and particulate contamination in electronic enclosures.
• Pressure compensating seal prevents buildup of pressure inside of electronic enclosures due to environmental temperature cycling.
• Quick and easy installation into Threaded Holes.
• Membrane seal is ultrasonically welded to nylon body.
• Lower cost option over brass or steel plugs.
• Non-corrosive-resist salt water, weak acids, gasoline, alcohol, oil, grease and common solvents. Resist oil and heat up to 221°F (105°C).
• Approximate Head Thickness: .21˝ (5,3 mm). Thickness may vary.
• Hex shaped head for wrench installation.
• Electrically non-conductive Nylon 6/6.