Linear Technology
The LTC®2645 is a family of quad 12-, 10-, and 8-bit PWM-to-voltage output DACs with an integrated high accuracy, lowdrift, 10ppm/°Creferenceina16-leadMSOPpackage. It hasrail-to-rail output buffers and is guaranteed monotonic.
The LTC2645 measures the period and pulse width of the PWM input signals and updates the voltage output DACs after each corresponding PWM input rising edge. The DAC outputs update and settle to 12-bit accuracy within 8µs typically and are capable of sourcing and sinking up to 5mA (3V) or 10mA (5V), eliminating voltage ripple and replacing slow analog filters and buffer amplifiers.
■ No Latency PWM-to-Voltage Conversion
■ Voltage Output Updates and Settles within 8µs
■ 100kHz to 30Hz PWM Input Frequency
■ ±2.5LSB Max INL; ±1LSB Max DNL (LTC2645-12)
■ Guaranteed Monotonic
■ Pin-Selectable Internal or External Reference
■ 2.7V to 5.5V Supply Range
■ 1.71V to 5.5V Input Voltage Range
■ Low Power: 4mA at 3V, <1µA Power-Down
■ Guaranteed Operation from –40°C to 125°C
■ 16-Lead MSOP Package
■ Digital Calibration
■ Trimming and Adjustment
■ Level Setting
■ Process Control and Industrial Automation
■ Instrumentation
■ Automotive