Atmel Corporation
[American Technical Ceramics (ATC)]
ATC 100 A Series Porcelain Superchip® Multilayer Capacitors
ATC, the industry leader, offers new improved ESR/ESL performance for the 100 A Series RF/Microwave Capacitors. This is ATCs most versatile high Q, high self resonant multilayer capacitor.
High density porcelain construction provides a rugged, hermetic package.
Typical functional applications: Bypass, Coupling, Tuning, Feedback, Impedance Matching and DC Blocking.
Typical circuit applications: Microwave/RF/IF Amplifiers, Mixers, Oscillators, Low Noise Amplifiers, Filter Networks, Timing Circuits and Delay Lines.
• Case A Size (.055" x .055")
• Capacitance Range 0.1 pF to 100 pF
• High Q
• Ultra-Stable Performance
• High Self-Resonance
• Low Noise
• Established Reliability (QPL)
• Extended WVDC up to 250 VDC