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A8437 Просмотр технического описания (PDF) - Allegro MicroSystems

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A8437 Datasheet PDF : 22 Pages
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Mobile Phone Xenon Photoflash Capacitor Charger
with IGBT Driver
Application Information
General Operation Overview
T = R × C × ln (V0 / VT) .
The CHARGE pin enables the part and starts charging.
The ¯D¯¯¯¯O¯¯¯N¯¯E¯ open-drain indicator is pulled low when
CHARGE is high and target output voltage is reached.
Charging is reinitiated when the REG pin voltage falls
below the regulation threshold. Pulling the CHARGE
pin low stops charging and forces the chip into low-
power standby mode.
Output Voltage Regulation
When the REG pin is connected to VIN, the A8437
stops charging the output voltage after the reflected
voltage (VSW – VIN) reaches 31.5 V. In this mode,
charging can be reinitiated by cycling the CHARGE
signal through a low to high transition.
The A8437 can also be used to regulate output voltage
within a predetermined window. In this mode, con-
nect a capacitor, CREG, and resistor, RREG, from the
REG pin to GND (refer to the figure Application 3).
When CHARGE is held high, the voltage monitoring
circuit of the A8437 is always active, irrespective of
the REG pin voltage level.
Voltage Regulation Using Predicitive Droop The A8437
uses a technique called Predictive Droop for regulat-
ing the output capacitor voltage after the completion
of a charging cycle. When the target output voltage
is reached, the converter stops charging and output
capacitor voltage droops due to leakage current. An
external resistor and capacitor connected from the
REG pin to ground will provide an RC discharge time
constant. This time constant can be selected to mirror
the droop rate of the output capacitor. When voltage at
the REG pin drops to 80% of the reference value, the
converter starts charging again and brings the output
capacitor back to target voltage again.
For example, if C = 10 μF, R = 10 MΩ and V0 / VT =
1.25, then T = 22 seconds. Assuming that the RC-dis-
charge characteristic of the output capacitor matches
that at the REG pin, we can predict that the output
voltage has drooped 20%, and therefore it is time to
recharge the output capacitor.
By implementing a Predictive Droop technique, no
additional leakage paths are introduced on the second-
ary side, which helps to keep power losses to a mini-
mum. By intentionally making the RC discharge time
constant of the REG pin shorter than that of the output
capacitor, we can regulate the output voltage to a win-
dow tighter than the default 20% hysteresis.
Voltage Regulation Using Direct Sensing If direct sens-
ing from the secondary side is desired, connect the
REG pin to a resistor divider network across the out-
put capacitor to enable output regulation. In this case,
the charging cut-off is still controlled by primary side
sensing (charging stops when reflected voltage reaches
31.5 V), but the regulation threshold is controlled by
the secondary side sensing. When the CHARGE pin
is high, and the sensed output voltage falls below the
lower VREG threshold, the flyback converter charges
the output capacitor again until the primary side sens-
ing stops further charging. This cycle repeats till the
CHARGE pin is pulled low.
The benefit of this method is that a lower output volt-
age can be selected independently, simply by chang-
ing the resistor divider ratio. For example, given
R1=10 MΩ, R2= 33.2 kΩ, and VREG(L)= 0.96 V, then:
VOUT(Low) = VREG(L) × ( R1/ R2 + 1) = 290 V . (2)
Selection of Switching Current Limit
The time required for an RC network to discharge
from V0 to VT is given by:
The A8437 features continuously adjustable peak
switching current between 0.4 and 1.2A. This is done
Allegro MicroSystems, Inc.
115 Northeast Cutoff
Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 U.S.A.

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