PEB 2047
PEB 2047-16
2.1 MTSL Internal Timing and Channel Delay
Figure 7 shows the chip internal timing of writing and reading the data memory for all possible
operation modes.
Control Memory Reset
Initialization of the device after a hardware reset (RES) is easily done with a µP-command “control
memory reset”. After finishing this procedure all control memory channels contain the information
Evaluate Frame Measurement Signal
A command and an address (0 … 7) will be given by the µP. The rising edge of the corresponding
frame measurement signal (FS0 … FS7) will be evaluated. The exact timing of the FS edge can
then be read from an internal 12-bit register (resolution of a complete 8-kHz frame in half 16-MHz
clock periods).
The switching path of the MTSL including input buffer, data memory, control memory, output buffer
and timing control can be tested in the system by a built-in selftest. The two data memories DM0
and DM1 require two test procedures. Activating this mechanism takes (2 × 2.5) ms (4096 kHz),
(2 × 1.25) ms (8192 kHz) or (2 × 0.625) ms (16 384 kHz). Finally the result “selftest ok/selftest not
ok” can be read from the internal status register.
After test completion the control-memory is also reset.
2.2 Special Functions
The activity of all special functions can be read in the status register. Completion of these functions
is indicated by interrupts.
Semiconductor Group