compression and non compression type
shock-proof memory controller
The SM5904BF is a compression and non com-
pression type shock-proof memory controller LSI for
compact disc players. The compression level can
be set in 4 levels, and external 4M DRAM can be
connected to expand the memory to 4M bits. Digital
attenuator, soft mute and related functions are also
incorporated. It operates from a 2.4 to 3.3 V supply
voltage range.
- 2-channel processing
- Serial data input
⋅ 2s complement, 16-bit/MSB first, right-justified
- Wide capture function
(up to 3 × speed input rate)
- System clock input
⋅ 384fs (16.9344 MHz)
- Shock-proof memory controller
⋅ ADPCM compression method
⋅ 4-level compression mode selectable
4-bit compression mode 2.78 s/Mbit
5-bit compression mode 2.22 s/Mbit
6-bit compression mode 1.85 s/Mbit
Full-bit non compression mode 0.74 s/Mbit
⋅ External DRAM configurations usable
2 × 4M DRAM (1M × 4 bits)
Internal and External 4M DRAM
1 × 4M DRAM (1M × 4 bits)
Only Internal 4M DRAM
- Compression mode selectable
- Microcontroller interface
⋅ Serial command write and status read-out
⋅ Data residual detector:
15-bit operation, 16-bit output
⋅ Digital attenuator
8-bit setting
⋅ Soft attenuator function
Noiseless attenuation-level switching
(256- step switching in 23 ms max.)
⋅ Soft mute function
Mute ON in 23 ms max.
Direct return after soft mute release
⋅ Forced mute
- Extension I/O
Microcontroller interface for external control
using 4 extension I/O pins
- +2.4 to + 3.3 V operating voltage range
- Schmitt inputs
All input pins (including I/O pins) except CLK
(system clock)
- Reset signal noise elimination
Approximately 3.8 µs or longer (65 system
clock pulses) continuous LOW-level reset
- Digital audio interface (DIT)
- 44-pin QFP package (0.8 mm pin pitch)
Ordering Information
SM5904BF 44pin QFP