8-bit Shift Register
The HD74AC166/HD74ACT166 is an 8-bit, serial or parallel-in, serial-out shift register using edge
triggered D-type flip-flops. Serial and parallel entry are synchronous, with state changes initiated by the
rising edge of the clock. An asynchronous Master Reset overrides other inputs and clears all flip-flops.
The circuit can be clocked from two sources or one CP input can be used to trigger the other.
• Outputs Source/Sink 24 mA
• HD74ACT166 has TTL-Compatible Inputs
Pin Arrangement
DS 1
P0 2
P1 3
P2 4
P3 5
CP2 6
CP1 7
(Top view)
16 VCC
15 PE
14 P7
13 Q7
12 P6
11 P5
10 P4
9 MR