Pin Symbol
123 TRDR O 1, 0 Tracking drive output.
124 FFDR O 1, 0 Focus drive output.
125 FRDR O 1, 0 Focus drive output.
126 DVDD5
Digital power supply.
128 VCOO O 1, 0 Analog EFM PLL oscillation circuit output.
129 VCOI
Analog EFM PLL oscillation circuit input. flock = 8.6436MHz
130 TEST
Test pin. Normally fixed to low.
131 TES2
Test pin. Normally fixed to low.
132 TES3
Test pin. Normally fixed to low.
133 PDO
O 1, Z, 0 Analog EFM PLL charge pump output.
134 VCKI
Variable pitch clock input from the external VCO. fcenter = 16.9344MHz
Set VCKI to low when the external clock is not input to this pin.
135 V16M O 1, Z, 0 Wide-band EFM PLL VCO2 oscillation output.
136 AVDD2
Analog power supply.
137 IGEN
Connects the operational amplifier current source reference resistance connection.
138 AVSS2
Analog GND.
139 ADIO O
Operational amplifier output.
140 RFDC I
RF signal input.
141 CE
Center servo analog input.
142 TE
Tracking error signal input.
∗ In the CXD3003R, the following pins are NC.
Pins 1, 2, 19, 35, 36, 37, 38, 54, 71, 72, 73, 74, 90, 107, 108, 109, 110, 127, 143 and 144
Notes) • The 64-bit slot is an LSB first, two's complement output. The 48-bit slot is an MSB first, two's
complement output.
• GTOP is used to monitor the frame sync protection status. (High: sync protection window released.)
• XUGF is the frame sync obtained from the EFM signal, and is negative pulse. It is the signal before
sync protection.
• XPLCK is the inverse of the EFM PLL clock. The PLL is designed so that the falling edge and the
EFM signal transition point coincide.
• The GFS signal goes high when the frame sync and the insertion protection timing match.
• RFCK is derived from the crystal accuracy, and has a cycle of 136µs.
• C2PO represents the data error status.
• XRAOF is generated when the 32K RAM exceeds the ±28F jitter margin.