This equation shows that radiated power increases as the square of the antenna length and as the square of the
delivered current. Every effort should therefore be made to maximize the length of the antenna and maximize
antenna current. Minimizing circuit losses will maximize antenna current and can best be achieved by selecting a
tuning inductor with a Q > 30. Note maximizing antenna current is equivalent to maximizing antenna voltage, a
point that will be discussed later in this section.
The antenna reactance models the antenna capacitance for electrically short monopole antennas and is given as
XANT = 1-2---9---8-f--L-c-
where L = meters, c = 3 x 108 m/s
This equation shows that antenna reactance decreases, and therefore capacitance increases, linearly with
increasing antenna length. This capacitance should be kept in the range that can effectively be resonated by the
tuning inductor. In practice this is easily achieved and is only mentioned for completeness.
The following section, “ Electrically Short Monopole Interface Model”, discusses the ranges of capacitance and
inductance that should be expected.
As the name suggests, the electrically short vertical monopole antenna over an infinite ground plane assumes an
antenna oriented vertically, or perpendicularly, to a ground plane that is infinite in size. As the antenna
implementation deviates from this model, the effective antenna length decreases, resulting in a decrease in
radiated power. As a practical matter, the geometry of the antenna and ground plane is dictated by physical
dimensions of the device and the closest approximation to the ideal model is achieved by keeping the antenna as
far away from ground and power planes as possible. This applies equally to a wire antenna and a PCB trace
antenna. For brevity, the remainder of this document refers to this model as simply the "electrically short
Electrically Short Monopole Interface Model
The electrically short monopole model can be extended to incorporate the FM Transmitter output buffer
capacitance, external tuning inductor and PCB capacitance as shown in Figure 38. At lengths below 1/2
wavelength, the antenna reactance XANT is capacitive and is replaced with capacitance CANT.
FM Transmitter Buffer Tuning Inductor
Figure 38. Simplified Model of the Electrically Short Monopole
Rev. 0.8