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HT82K68A-20 Просмотр технического описания (PDF) - Holtek Semiconductor

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HT82K68A-20 Datasheet PDF : 39 Pages
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dictable results. The Watchdog Timer can be disabled
by mask option. If the Watchdog Timer is disabled, all
the executions related to the WDT results in no opera-
Once the internal WDT oscillator (RC oscillator normally
with a period of 78ms) is selected, it is first divided by 256
(8-stages) to get the nominal time-out period of approxi-
mately 20 ms. This time-out period may vary with tem-
perature, VDD and process variations. By invoking the
WDT prescaler, longer time-out periods can be realized.
Writing data to WS2, WS1, WS0 (bit 2,1,0 of the WDTS)
can give different time-out periods. If WS2, WS1, WS0
are all equal to 1, the division ratio is up to 1:128, and the
maximum time-out period is 2.6 seconds.
If the WDT oscillator is disabled, the WDT clock may still
come from the instruction clock and operate in the same
manner except that in the HALT state the WDT may stop
counting and lose its protecting purpose. In this situation
the WDT logic can be restarted by external logic. The
high nibble and bit 3 of the WDTS are reserved for user
defined flags, which can be used to indicate some speci-
fied status.
If the device operates in a noisy environment, using the
on-chip RC oscillator (WDT OSC) is strongly recom-
mended, since the HALT will stop the system clock.
Division Ratio
WDTS (09H) Register
The WDT overflow under normal operation will initialize
²chip reset² and set the status bit TO. An overflow in the
HALT mode, initializes a ²warm reset² only when the pro-
gram counter and SP are reset to zero. To clear the con-
tents of the WDT (including the WDT prescaler ), three
methods are adopted; external reset (a low level to RE-
SET), software instruction(s), or a ²HALT² instruction.
There are two types of software instructions; ²CLR
WDT² and ²CLR WDT1/CLR WDT2². Of these two
types of instruction, only one can be active depending
on the mask option - ²CLR WDT times selection option².
If the ²CLR WDT² is selected (ie. CLR WDT times equal
one), any execution of the ²CLR WDT² instruction will
clear the WDT. In case ²CLR WDT1² and ²CLR WDT2²
are chosen (ie. CLRWDT times equal two), these two in-
structions must be executed to clear the WDT; otherwise,
the WDT may reset the chip because of the time-out.
Power Down Operation - HALT
The HALT mode is initialized by the HALT instruction
and results in the following...
· The system oscillator will turn off but the WDT oscilla-
tor keeps running (if the WDT oscillator is selected).
· The contents of the on chip RAM and registers remain
· WDT and WDT prescaler will be cleared and recount
again (if the WDT clock has come from the WDT oscil-
· All I/O ports maintain their original status.
· The PDF flag is set and the TO flag is cleared.
The system can leave the HALT mode by means of an
external reset, interrupt, and external falling edge signal
on port A and port C [0:3] or a WDT overflow. An exter-
nal reset causes a device initialization and the WDT
overflow performs a ²warm reset². Examining the TO
and PDF flags, the reason for chip reset can be deter-
mined. The PDF flag is cleared when system power-up
or executing the CLR WDT instruction and is set when
the HALT instruction is executed. The TO flag is set if the
WDT time-out occurs, and causes a wake-up that only
resets the program counter and SP, the others keep
their original status.
On the other hand, awakening from an external interrupt
(PC2), two sequences may happen. If the interrupt is
disabled or the interrupt is enabled but the stack is full,
the program will resume execution at the next instruc-
tion. But if the interrupt is enabled and the stack is not
full, the regular interrupt response takes place.
The port A or port C [0:3] wake-up can be considered as
a continuation of normal execution. Each bit in port A
can be independently selected to wake up the device by
mask option. Awakening from an I/O port stimulus, the
program will resume execution of the next instruction.
Once a wake-up event occurs, and the system clock co-
mes from a crystal, it takes 1024 tSYS (system clock pe-
riod) to resume normal operation. In other words, the
HT82K68A will insert a dummy period after the wake-up.
If the system clock comes from an RC oscillator, it con-
tinues operating immediately. If the wake-up results in
next instruction execution, this will execute immediately
after the dummy period is completed.
To minimize power consumption, all I/O pins should be
carefully managed before entering the HALT status.
There are three ways in which a reset can occur:
· RESET reset during normal operation
· RESET reset during HALT
· WDT time-out reset during normal operation
The WDT time-out during HALT is different from other
chip reset conditions, since it can perform a warm reset
that just resets the program counter and SP, leaving the
Rev. 1.70
December 26, 2005

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