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MTV112AV Просмотр технического описания (PDF) - Myson Century Inc

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MTV112AV Datasheet PDF : 20 Pages
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(Rev 1.9)
VCNTH (r) : V-Freq counter's high bits.
Vovf = 1 V-Freq counter overflows; this bit is cleared by H/W when condition removed.
VF8 : High bit of V-Freq counter.
VCNTL (r) : V-Freq counter's low bits.
PCTR0 (w) : SYNC processor control register 0.
C1, C0 = 1,1 Selects CVSYNC as the polarity, Freq and VBLANK source.
= 1,0 Selects VSYNC as the polarity, Freq and VBLANK source.
= 0,0 Disables composite function (MTV012 compatible mode).
= 0,1 H/W auto switches to CVSYNC when CVpre=1 and VSpre=0.
HVsel = 1 Pin #16 is P4.1, pin #17 is P4.0.
= 0 Pin #16 is HBLANK, pin #17 is VBLANK.
STOsel = 1 Pin #29 is P4.2.
= 0 Pin #29 is STOUT.
PREFS = 0 Selects 8MHz OSC as H/V presence check and self-test pattern time base.
= 1 Selects 12MHz OSC as H/V presence check and self-test pattern time base.
HALFV = 1 VBLANK is half frequency output of VSYNC.
HBpl = 1 Negative polarity HBLANK output.
= 0 Positive polarity HBLANK output.
VBpl = 1 Negative polarity VBLANK output.
= 0 Positive polarity VBLANK output.
PCTR2 (w) : Self-test pattern generator control.
Selft = 1 Enables generator.
= 0 Disables generator.
STbsh = 1 63.5KHz (horizontal) output selected.
= 0 31.75KHz (horizontal) output selected.
Rt1, Rt0= 0,0 Positive cross-hatch pattern output.
= 0,1 Negative cross-hatch pattern output.
= 1,0 Full white pattern output.
= 1,1 Full black pattern output.
STF = 1 Enables STOUT output.
= 0 Disables STOUT output.
PCTR3 (w) : HSYNC clamp pulse control register.
ENCLP = 1 pin #4 is HCLAMP.
= 0 pin #4 is P1.3.
CLPEG = 1 Clamp pulse follows HSYNC leading edge.
= 0 Clamp pulse follows HSYNC trailing edge.
CLPPO= 1 Positive polarity clamp pulse output.
= 0 Negative polarity clamp pulse output.
CLPW2 : CLPW0 : Pulse width of clamp pulse is
[(CLPW2:CLPW0) + 1] X 0.25 µs for 8MHz X’tal selection,or
[(CLPW2:CLPW0) + 1] X 0.167 µs for 12MHz X’tal selection.
EHALFV= 1 pin #2 is HALFV.
= 0 pin #2 is P1.1.
EHALFV= 1 pin #3 is HALFH.
= 0 pin #3 is P1.2.
P4OUT (w) : Port 4 data output value.
P5OUT (r/w) : Port 5 data input/output value.
MTV112A Revision 1.9 05/18/2001

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