PIR Motion Sensor (EKMB, EKMC, AMN2, 3)
1) Detection area
As shown on the diagram, the
detection zone is polarized.
If a target enters the
detection zones + and − at
the same time, the signals
are respectively cancelled
and detection could become
impossible at maximum
detection range.
2) Direction
As detailed on the
diagram, please install
the sensor so that the
Y direction
expected trespassing
direction corresponds to the
axis X or axis Y.
In some cases, going back and
X direction
forth towards the sensor (parallel
movement to the axis Z), may not be detected.
Z direction
1. Checkpoints relating to principal of
PaPIRs is a pyroelectric infrared sensor
that detect variations in infrared rays.
However, it may not detect in the
following case: lack of movement, No
temperature change in the heat source.
Beside, it could also detect the presence
of heat sources other than a human body.
Efficiency and reliability of the system
may vary depending actual operating
1) Detecting heat sources other than the
human body, such as
(1) Small animals entering the detection
(2) When a heat source for example
sunlight, incandescent light, car
headlights etc, or strong light beam hit
the sensor regardless inside or outside
the detection area.
(3) Sudden temperature change inside or
around the detection area caused by hot
or cold wind from HVAC, or vapor from
the humidifier, etc.
2) Difficulty in sensing the heat source
(1) Glass, acrylic or similar materials
standing between the target and the
sensor may not allow a correct
transmission of infrared rays.
(2) Non-movement or quick movements
of the heat source inside the detection
area. (Please refer to the section on the
detection performance ratings for details
about movement speed.)
3) Expansion of the detection area
In case of considerable difference in the
ambient temperature and the human
body temperature, detection area may be
wider apart from the configured detection
4) Malfunction/Detection error
Unnecessary detection signal might be
outputted, on rare occasions, come from
sudden outbreak output due to the nature
of pyroelectric element. When the
application does not accept such
conditions strictly, please implement the
countermeasure by introducing pulse
count circuit etc.
2. Optimal operating environment
1) Temperature: Refer to the absolute
maximum rating.
2) Humidity degree: 15 to 85%Rh (Avoid
condensation or freezing of this product)
3) Pressure: 86 to 106KPa
4) Overheating, oscillations, shocks can
cause the sensor to malfunction.
5) This sensor is not waterproof or
dustproof. Avoid use in environments
subject to excessive moisture,
condensation, frost, containing salt air or
6) Avoid use in environments with
corrosive gases.
3. Handling cautions
1) Do not solder with a soldering iron
above 350°C 662°F, or for more than 3
seconds. This sensor should be hand
2) To maintain stability of the product,
always mount on a printed circuit board.
3) Do not use liquids to wash the sensor.
If washing fluid gets through the lens, it
can reduce performance.
4) Do not use a sensor after it fell on the
5) The sensor may be damaged by ±200
volts of static electricity. Avoid direct hand
contact with the pins and be very careful
when operating the product.
6) When wiring the product, always use
shielded cables and minimize the wiring
length to prevent noise disturbances.
7) The inner circuit board could be
destroyed by a voltage surge.
Use of surge absorption elements is
highly recommended.
Surge resistance: below the power
supply voltage value indicated in the
maximum rated values section.
8) Please use a stabilized power supply.
Power supply noise can cause operating
Noise resistance: ±20V or less (Square
waves with a width of 50ns or 1µs)
To reduce the effect of power supply
noise, install a capacitor on the sensor’s
power supply pin.
9) Operating errors can be caused by
noise from static electricity, lightning, cell
phone, amateur radio, broadcasting
offices etc...
10) Detection performance can be
reduced by dirt on the lens.
11) The lens is made of soft materials
(Polyethylene). Please avoid adding
weight or impacts that might change its
shape, causing operating errors or
reduce performance.
12) Operating “temperatures” and
“humidity level” are suggested to prolong
usage. However, they do not guarantee
durability or environmental resistance.
Generally, high temperatures or high
humidity levels will accelerate the
deterioration of electrical components.
Please consider both the planned usage
and environment to determine the
expected reliability and length of life of
the product.
13) Do not attempt to clean this product
with any detergent or solvent, such as
benzene or alcohol, as these can cause
shape or color alterations.
14) Avoid storage in high, low
temperature or liquid environments.
As well, avoid storage in environments
containing corrosive gas, dust, salty air
etc. It could cause performance
deterioration and the sensor’s main part
or the metallic connectors could be
For Cautions for Use.
Panasonic Corporation Automation Controls Business Unit industrial.panasonic.com/ac/e/
ASCTB240E 201208-T