In order to avoid possible instability occuring into fi-
nal stage the usual suggestions for the linear power
stages are useful, as for instance :
- layout accuracy ;
- A 100nF capacitor connected between supply
pins and ground ;
- boucherot cell (0.1 to 0.2 µF + 1Ω series) be-
tween outputs and ground or across the load.
With single supply operation, a resistor (1kΩ)
between the output and supply pin can be
necessary for stability.
Figure 8 : Bidirectional DC Motor Control with µP Compatible Inputs
VS1 = logic supply voltage
Must be VS2 > VS1
E1, E2 = logic inputs
Figure 9 : Servocontrol for Compact-disc
Figure 10 : Capstan Motor Control in Video
Figure 11 : Motor Current Control Circuit
Note : The input voltage level is compatible with L291 (8 - BIT D/A converter)