6.0. DS1820 temperature sensor
1-wire® serial communication enables data to be transferred over one single communication line, while the process
itself is under control of the master microcontroller. The advantage of this communication is that only one microcontroller
pin is used. All slaveGHYLFHVKDYHDXQLTXH,'FRGHZKLFKHQDEOHVWKHmaster device to easily identify all devices
sharing the same communication bus.
DS1820 is a temperature sensor that uses 1-wire communication for its operation. It is used to measure temperature in
a range between -55 and 125°C and provides ±0.5°C accuracy for temperatures in a range between -10 and 85°C. The
power supply voltage of 3V to 5.5V is used for the operation of this sensor. It takes maximum 750ms for the DS1820
to convert temperature with 9-bit resolution. There is a socket for this temperature sensor provided on the BIG8051
development system. Communication between this module and the microcontroller is enabled via the microcontroller
pin P2.7. To establish communication between them, it is also necessary to set switch 8 on the DIP switch SW15 to
the ON position.
Figure 6-1: DS1820
connector (DS1820 is
not connected)
Figure 6-2: Temperature
sensor DS1820 is
Make sure that the
rounded side of the
DS1820 matches half-
circle on the board
Figure 6-3: Switch
8 on the DIP switch
SW15 is in ON
position, DS1820
is connected to the
P2.7 pin
Figure 6-4: DS1820 and microcontroller connection schematic