Spectrum Analyzer Mode
Key Features
• Spectrum analyzer style controls
for the oscilloscope
• Select from six vertical scales
• Automatically identify frequency
• Display up to 20 markers, with
interactive table readout of
frequencies and levels
• Easily make measurements with
reference and delta markers
• Automatically identify and
mark fundamental frequency
and harmonics
• Spectrogram shows how spectra
changes over time in 2D or
3D views
Simplify Analysis of FFT Power Spectrum
Get better insight to the frequency content of any signal with use of the
Spectrum Analyzer mode on the HDO4000. This mode provides a spectrum
analyzer style user interface with controls for start/stop frequency or center
frequency and span. The resolution bandwidth is automatically set for best
analysis or can be manually selected. Vertical Scale can be selected as dBm,
dBV, dBmV, dBuV, Vrms or Arms for proper viewing and analysis while the
unique peak search automatically labels spectral components and presents
frequency and level in an interactive table. Utilize up to 20 markers to
automatically identify harmonics and quickly analyze frequency content by
making measurements between reference and delta markers. To monitor
how the spectrum changes over time, view the spectrogram which can
display a 2D or 3D history of the fequency content.
Spectrum analyzer style controls simplify waveform analysis in the frequency domain.