Operational Precautions
4. Use caution concerning the high temperature
and high voltage.
These lamps start discharge at high triggering voltage of
20 kV. Be sure insulation is sufficient to prevent danger
of electrical shock. During operation and immediately af-
ter, the lamp is extremely hot, so never touch with the
hands or place them close to highly combustible mate-
5. Caution concerning ultraviolet radiation.
These lamps radiate ultraviolet rays which are harmful to
the eyes and skin. Avoid looking directly at a lamp or al-
lowing its light to fall directly on the skin, as there is dan-
ger of burning injury.
6. Always observe the rated values.
The rated operating current for these lamps is specified
(refer to pages 6, 7.). If used outside the specified range,
operation will become unstable and the life will be short-
ened drastically. Operation outside the rated values will
void the Hamamatsu warranty. The 350 W type and 500
W type requires forced air cooling.
7. Replace the lamp after the total number hours
of operation exceeds the average life plus 500
h, or when the inner walls of the bulb become
extremely blackened.
When the total number of hours operation has exceeded
the average life plus 500 h, vaporization of the electrodes
and sputtering on the bulb causes progressive darken-
ing, lowering the lamp’s heat radiation and increasing the
interior temperature and pressure of the lamp to danger-
ous levels that could lead to breakage. Thus, when either
condition is observed, replace the lamp immediately.
Removal Precautions
8. Handle used lamps with the protective cover.
When removing a lamp from the lamp housing, wait until
cools. Since high-pressure gas is contained in the lamp,
rough handling can cause the lamp to shatter; therefore
handle used lamps as carefully as new lamps. Then en-
close it to the protective cover as it was.
The Mercury-Xenon Lamp should be discarded through
an approved waste disposal company, or should be re-
turned to any Hamamatsu sales representative with
reparked in its original packing (or in an equivalent se-
cure package).
Consider The Following Points When Designing
A Lamp Housing
A. A lamp housing should always have a sturdy
High pressure gas (approx. 1 MPa at room temperature,
approx. 4 MPa during operation) is contained in the lamps.
Lamp housings should always have a sturdy cover in
anticipation of the possibility of the lamp shattering for
any reason.
B. Do not fasten lamps at both ends when install-
The glass bulbs of lamps expand from heat during op-
eration. Use a flexible fitting at one end (normally the
anode side) and construction that can absorb the heat
C. When focusing the light, take care to avoid ex-
cessively high internal lamp operating tempera-
When focusing the light from a lamp with a mirror, etc.,
the lamp operating temperature can become extremely
high if there is a focal point on the bulb wall or electrode.
Use care concerning operating temperature when using
such a mirrors, etc.
D. Use caution concerning high operating tem-
Maintain the lamp surface temperature at less than 750 °C
(1382 °F) and the metal base surface temperature (an-
ode side) at less than 200 °C (392 °F). (The temperature
at the anode is normally higher than at the cathode.)
If the lamp operating temperature exceeds these upper
limits, oxidation of the electrode wire as well as exces-
sive consumption of electrodes and filled gas occur and
greatly shorten the lamp life. The pressure inside the lamp
may also increase excessively and cause the lamp to
shatter. Leave allowance for the heat capacity of the lamp
housing for efficient heat radiation.
Forced air cooling with a fan is necessary for the 350 W
and 500 W lamps, so take care to ensure that the fan
does not stop during operation and for 3 to 5 minutes
after turning the lamp off. Convection currents in the xe-
non gas filled in the lamps increase considerably when a
strong breeze from a fan blows directly on a lamp, lower-
ing the light output stability, so position the fan carefully.