application reduces device data backlog. After it reaches the
75% watermark level, the RTS# signal is asserted to resume
data reception.
■ DSR# (Input) / DTR# (Output)
The DSR#/DTR# signals are used to establish a communication
link with the UART. These signals complement each other in their
functionality, similar to CTS# and RTS#.
GPIO Interface
CY7C65213/CY7C65213A has eight GPIOs. The configuration
utility lets you configure the GPIO pins. The configurable options
are as follows:
■ TRISTATE: GPIO tristated
■ DRIVE 1: Output static 1
■ DRIVE 0: Output static 0
■ POWER#: Power control for bus power designs
■ TXLED#: Drives LED during USB transmit
■ RXLED#: Drives LED during USB receive
■ TX or RX LED#: Drives LED during USB transmit or receive.
GPIO can be configured to drive LED at 8-mA drive strength.
■ SLEEP#: Indicates USB suspend
■ BCD0/1: Two-pin output to indicate the type of USB charger
■ BUSDETECT: Connects VBUS pin for USB host detection
CY7C65213/CY7C65213A has a 512-byte flash. Flash is used
to store USB parameters, such as VID/PID, serial number, and
Product and Manufacturer Descriptors, which can be
programmed by the configuration utility.
System Resources
Power System
CY7C65213/CY7C65213A supports the USB Suspend mode to
control power usage. CY7C65213/CY7C65213A operates in
bus-powered or self-powered modes over a range of 3.15 V to
5.5 V.
Clock System
CY7C65213/CY7C65213A has a fully integrated clock and does
not require any external crystal. The clock system is responsible
for providing clocks to all subsystems.
Internal 48-MHz Oscillator
The internal 48-MHz oscillator is the primary source of internal
clocking in the CY7C65213/CY7C65213A device.
Internal 32-kHz Oscillator
The internal 32-kHz oscillator is the primary source of internal
clocking in CY7C65213/CY7C65213A.
The reset block ensures reliable power-on reset and brings the
device back to the default known state. The RESET# (active low)
pin can be used by external devices to reset the
Suspend and Resume
The CY7C65213/CY7C65213A device asserts the SLEEP# pin
when the USB bus goes into the suspend state. This helps to
meet the stringent suspend current requirements of the USB 2.0
specification, while using the device in bus-powered mode. The
device resumes from the suspend state under either of the
following two conditions:
1. Any activity is detected on the USB bus
2. The RI# (configured as wakeup) pin is asserted to generate
remote wakeup to the host.
The RI# (configured as wakeup) pin is used to generate the
remote wakeup signal on the USB bus. The remote wakeup
signal is sent only if the host enables this feature through the
SET_FEATURE request. The device communicates support for
the remote wakeup to the host through the configuration
descriptor during the USB enumeration process. The
CY7C65213 device allows enabling/disabling of the remote
wakeup feature through the configuration utility.
Cypress delivers a complete set of software drivers and a
configuration utility to enable product configuration during
system development.
Drivers for Linux Operating Systems
Cypress provides a User Mode USB driver library
( that abstracts vendor commands for the
UART interface and provides a simplified API interface for user
applications. This library uses the standard open-source libUSB
library to enable USB communication. The Cypress serial library
supports the USB plug-and-play feature using the Linux ‘udev’
CY7C65213/CY7C65213A supports the standard USB CDC
UART-class driver, which is bundled with the Linux kernel.
Android Support
The CY7C65213/CY7C65213A solution also includes an
Android Java class––which exposes a set of
interface functions to communicate with the device.
Drivers for Mac OSx
Cypress delivers a dynamically linked shared library
(CyUSBSerial.dylib) based on libUSB, which enables
communication to the CY7C65213/CY7C65213A device.
In addition, the device also supports the native Mac OSx CDC
UART-class driver.
Document Number: 001-81011 Rev. *M
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