interrupt source to flag the event of an illegal or illogical
operation. If the write inhibit function of busy logic is not
desirable, the busy logic can be disabled by placing the part
in slave mode with the M/S pin. Once in slave mode the BUSY
pin operates solely as a write inhibit input pin. Normal opera-
tion can be programmed by tying the BUSY pins high. If
desired, unintended write operations can be prevented to a
port by tying the busy pin for that port low.
The busy outputs on the IDT 70V07 RAM in master mode,
are push-pull type outputs and do not require pull up resistors
to operate. If these RAMs are being expanded in depth, then
the busy indication for the resulting array requires the use of
an external AND gate.
When expanding an IDT70V07 RAM array in width while
using busy logic, one master part is used to decide which side
of the RAM array will receive a busy indication, and to output
that indication. Any number of slaves to be addressed in the
Dual Port
Dual Port
Dual Port
Dual Port
2943 drw 19
Figure 3. Busy and chip enable routing for both width and depth
expansion with IDT70V07 RAMs.
same address range as the master, use the busy signal as a
write inhibit signal. Thus on the IDT70V07 RAM the busy pin
is an output if the part is used as a master (M/S pin = H), and
the busy pin is an input if the part used as a slave (M/S pin =
L) as shown in Figure 3.
If two or more master parts were used when expanding in
width, a split decision could result with one master indicating
busy on one side of the array and another master indicating
busy on one other side of the array. This would inhibit the write
operations from one port for part of a word and inhibit the write
operations from the other port for the other part of the word.
The busy arbitration, on a master, is based on the chip
enable and address signals only. It ignores whether an access
is a read or write. In a master/slave array, both address and
chip enable must be valid long enough for a busy flag to be
output from the master before the actual write pulse can be
initiated with the R/W signal. Failure to observe this timing can
result in a glitched internal write inhibit signal and corrupted
data in the slave.
The IDT70V07 is an extremely fast Dual-Port 32K x 8
CMOS Static RAM with an additional 8 address locations
dedicated to binary semaphore flags. These flags allow either
processor on the left or right side of the Dual-Port RAM to claim
a privilege over the other processor for functions defined by
the system designer’s software. As an example, the sema-
phore can be used by one processor to inhibit the other from
accessing a portion of the Dual-Port RAM or any other shared
The Dual-Port RAM features a fast access time, and both
ports are completely independent of each other. This means
that the activity on the left port in no way slows the access time
of the right port. Both ports are identical in function to standard
CMOS Static RAM and can be read from, or written to, at the
same time with the only possible conflict arising from the
simultaneous writing of, or a simultaneous READ/WRITE of,
a non-semaphore location. Semaphores are protected against
such ambiguous situations and may be used by the system
program to avoid any conflicts in the non-semaphore portion
of the Dual-Port RAM. These devices have an automatic
power-down feature controlled by CE, the Dual-Port RAM
enable, and SEM, the semaphore enable. The CE and SEM
pins control on-chip power down circuitry that permits the
respective port to go into standby mode when not selected.
This is the condition which is shown in Truth Table where CE
and SEM are both high.
Systems which can best use the IDT70V07 contain mul-
tiple processors or controllers and are typically very high-
speed systems which are software controlled or software
intensive. These systems can benefit from a performance
increase offered by the IDT70V07's hardware semaphores,
which provide a lockout mechanism without requiring com-
plex programming.
Software handshaking between processors offers the
maximum in system flexibility by permitting shared resources
to be allocated in varying configurations. The IDT70V07 does
not use its semaphore flags to control any resources through
hardware, thus allowing the system designer total flexibility in
system architecture.
An advantage of using semaphores rather than the more
common methods of hardware arbitration is that wait states
are never incurred in either processor. This can prove to be
a major advantage in very high-speed systems.
The semaphore logic is a set of eight latches which are
independent of the Dual-Port RAM. These latches can be
used to pass a flag, or token, from one port to the other to
indicate that a shared resource is in use. The semaphores
provide a hardware assist for a use assignment method called
“Token Passing Allocation.” In this method, the state of a
semaphore latch is used as a token indicating that shared
resource is in use. If the left processor wants to use this
resource, it requests the token by setting the latch. This
processor then verifies its success in setting the latch by
reading it. If it was successful, it proceeds to assume control
over the shared resource. If it was not successful in setting the
latch, it determines that the right side processor has set the
latch first, has the token and is using the shared resource. The