(3) Bus cycle time / Instruction cycle time
The LC865020B/16B/12B/08B microcontrollers are constructed to read ROM twice within one instruction cycle. This results
in 1.7 times better performance within the same instruction cycle compared to our 4-bit microcontrollers (the LC66000 series).
Bus cycle time indicates the speed to read ROM.
Bus cycle time
0.5 µs
2 µs
7.5 µs
183 µs
Cycle time
1 µs
4 µs
15 µs
366 µs
System clock oscillation
Ceramic resonator
Ceramic resonator
RC oscillator
Crystal oscillator
Oscillation frequency
12 MHz
3 MHz
800 kHz
32.768 kHz
Supply voltage
4.5 to 6.0V
2.7 to 6.0V
2.7 to 6.0V
2.7 to 6.0V
(4) Ports
- Input/output ports
: 6 ports (42 pins)
Input/output port programmable in nibble units
: 1 port (8 pins)
(However, when N-channel open-drain output is selected, bit-unit input is possible.)
Input/output port each bit programmable
: 5 ports (34 pins)
Include 15 V withstand N-channel open drain output port : 3 ports (18 pins)
- Input ports
: 2 ports (13 pins)
(5) A/D converter
- 8-channel × 8-bit A/D converter
(6) Serial-interface
- Two 8-bit serial-interface circuits
LSB first / MSB first functions switchable
- Internal 8-bit band-rate generator in common with two serial-interface circuits
(7) Timer
- Timer 0
16-bit timer/counter
2-bit prescaler + 8-bit programmable prescaler
Mode 0 : Two 8-bit timers with programmable prescaler
Mode 1 : 8-bit timer with programmable prescaler + 8-bit counter
Mode 2 : 16-bit timer with programmable prescaler
Mode 3 : 16-bit counter
The resolution of Timer is fixed to tCYC. (tCYC : cycle time)
- Timer 1
16-bit timer/PWM
Mode 0 : Two 8-bit timers
Mode 1 : 8-bit timer + 8-bit PWM
Mode 2 : 16-bit timer
Mode 3 : Variable-bit PWM (9 to 16 bits)
In Mode 0 and Mode1, the resolution of Timer and PWM is fixed to tCYC.
In Mode 2 and Mode 3, the resolution of Timer and PWM can be programmed to be tCYC or 1/2 tCYC
- Base timer
Every 500 ms overflow system for clock applications (using 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator for Base timer clock)
Every 976 µs, 3.9 ms, 15.6 ms, 62.5 ms overflow system (using 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator for Base timer clock)
- Base timer clock selectable
32.768 kHz crystal oscillator, system clock, and programmable prescaler output of Timer 0
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