2. VCO Stop
The VCO is so designed as to stop automatically at the
AM mode.
(when pin 11 and pin 21 are at the same potential)
There is no pin available for stopping the VCO at the
FM mode. However, the method shown right can be
used to stop the VCO at the FM mode, causing the
forced monaural mode to be entered.
Make the wiring as
short as possible.
3. Free-running frequency measurement and adjustment
Either of the following two methods is used to measure the
free-running frequency.
(1) Connect pin 13 to a frequency counter through the high
input impedance amplifier.
(2) Connect the connection point of the semifixed resistor
connected to pin 13 and the fixed resistor to a frequency
counter through the resistor of 240kΩ or greater.
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
How the error changes with the resistor value is
shown in Figure 7.
IF input 100dBµ
Resistor value, RX – kΩ
• When setting the free-running frequency, the following must be noted.
Figure 7
Apply a 10.7MHz 100dBµ nonmodulation carrier as IF input signal and set to 76kHz±50Hz with the tuning indicator
4. Separation setting capacitor Cs
The separation characteristic for the LA1805 alone
(IF input) differs from that for the antenna input
with a front end. This difference is caused by the
characteristics of the front end and ceramic filter.
Shown right is how the separation characteristic
changes with the separation setting capacitor value
when the LA1186N is used as front end. Referring
to this separation characteristic, choose the
optimum separation for your set model.
Free-running frequency, fF – kHz
Figure 8