This 8-bit read/write register stores various configuration modes
for the ADT7310, including shutdown, overtemperature and
undertemperature interrupts, one-shot, continuous conversion,
interrupt pins polarity, and overtemperature fault queues.
Table 8. Configuration Register (Register Address 0x01)
Type Name
[0:1] 00
R/W Fault queue
These two bits set the number of undertemperature/overtemperature faults that can
occur before setting the INT and CT pins. This helps to avoid false triggering due to
temperature noise.
00 = 1 fault (default).
01 = 2 faults.
10 = 3 faults.
11 = 4 faults.
R/W CT pin polarity This bit selects the output polarity of the CT pin.
0 = active low.
1 = active high.
R/W INT pin polarity This bit selects the output polarity of the INT pin.
0 = active low.
1 = active high.
R/W INT/CT mode This bit selects between comparator mode and interrupt mode.
0 = interrupt mode.
1 = comparator mode.
[5:6] 00
R/W Operation mode These two bits set the operational mode for the ADT7310.
00 = continuous conversion (default). When one conversion is finished, the ADT7310
starts another.
01 = one shot. Conversion time is typically 240 ms.
10 = 1 SPS mode. Conversion time is typically 60 ms. This operational mode reduces the
average current consumption.
11 = shutdown. All circuitry except interface circuitry is powered down.
R/W Resolution
This bit sets up the resolution of the ADC when converting.
0 = 13-bit resolution. Sign bit + 12 bits gives a temperature resolution of 0.0625°C.
1 = 16-bit resolution. Sign bit + 15 bits gives a temperature resolution of 0.0078125°C.
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