Philips Semiconductors
Dual universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter
Objective specification
The time-out mode uses the received data stream to control the
counter. Each time a received character is transferred from the shift
register to the RxFIFO, the counter is restarted. If a new character
is not received before the counter reaches zero count, the counter
ready bit is set, and an interrupt can be generated. This mode can
be used to indicate when data has been left in the RxFIFO for more
than the programmed time limit. Otherwise, if the receiver has been
programmed to interrupt the CPU when the receive FIFO is full, and
the message ends before the FIFO is full, the CPU may not know
there is data left in the FIFO. The CTU and CTL value would be
programmed for just over one character time, so that the CPU would
be interrupted as soon as it has stopped receiving continuous data.
This mode can also be used to indicate when the serial line has
been marking for longer than the programmed time limit. In this
case, the CPU has read all of the characters from the FIFO, but the
last character received has started the count. If there is no new
data during the programmed time interval, the counter ready bit will
get set, and an interrupt can be generated.
Writing the appropriate command to the command register enables
the time-out mode. Writing an ‘Ax’ to CRA or CRB will invoke the
time-out mode for that channel. Writing a ‘Cx’ to CRA or CRB will
disable the time-out mode. The time-out mode should only be used
by one channel at once, since it uses the C/T. If, however, the
time-out mode is enabled from both receivers, the time-out will occur
only when both receivers have stopped receiving data for the
time-out period. CTU and CTL must be loaded with a value greater
than the normal receive character period. The time-out mode
disables the regular START/STOP Counter commands and puts the
ca/T into counter mode under the control of the received data
stream. Each time a received character is transferred from the shift
register to the RxFIFO, the C/T is stopped after 1 C/T clock,
reloaded with the value in CTU and CTL and then restarted on the
next C/T clock. If the C/T is allowed to end the count before a new
character has been received, the counter ready bit, ISR [3], will be
set. If IMR [3] is set, this will generate an interrupt. Receiving a
character after the C/T has timed out will clear the counter ready bit,
ISR [3], and the interrupt. Invoking the ‘Set Time-out Mode On’
command, CRx = ‘Ax’, will also clear the counter ready bit and stop
the counter until the next character is received.
Time Out Mode Caution
When operating in the special time out mode, it is possible to
generate what appears to be a “false interrupt”, i.e. an interrupt
without a cause. This may result when a time-out interrupt occurs
and then, BEFORE the interrupt is serviced, another character is
received, i.e. the data stream has started again. (The interrupt
latency is longer than the pause in the data stream.) In this case,
when a new character has been receiver, the receiver, thereby
withdrawing its interrupt will restart the counter/timer. If, at this time,
the interrupt service begins for the previously seen interrupt, a read
of the ISR will show the “Counter Ready” bit not set. If nothing else
is interrupting, this read of the ISR will return a x’00 character.
CRC Modes and Control
The CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) control.
The CRC generator may be programmed to one of four modes as
listed below.
• CRC16: Divisor – x 16 + x 15 + x 2 + 1, dividend preset to zeros.
– The Tx sends the calculated CRC non-inverted.
– The Rx indicates an error if the computed CRC is not equal to 0.
• CRC16: Divisor = x 16 + x 15 + x 2 + 1, dividend preset to ones.
– The Tx sends the calculated CRC non-inverted. The
– Rx indicates an error if the computed CRC is not equal to 0.
• CRC–CCITT: Divisor = x 16 + x 12 + x 5 + 1, dividend preset to zeros
– The Tx sends the calculated CRC non-inverted.
– The Rx indicates an error if the computed CRC is not equal to 0.
• CRC–CCITT: Divisor = x 16 + x 12 + x 5 + 1, dividend preset to ones
– The Tx sends the calculated CRC inverted. The
Rx indicates an error if the computed CRC is not equal to 0xF0B8’.
Data sent to the CRC generator will exclude the stop, parity and
stop bits. The CRC remainder may be read from the CRC registers
if desired.
Interrupt Arbitration
Interrupt Control
The interrupt system determines when an interrupt should be
asserted thorough an arbitration (or bidding) system. This
arbitration is exercised over the several systems within the DUART
that may generate an interrupt. These will be referred to as
“interrupt sources”. There are 18 in all. In general the arbitration is
based on the fill level of the receiver FIFO or the empty level of the
transmitter FIFO. The FIFO levels are encoded into an 8-bit
number, which is concatenated to the channel number and source
identification code. All of this is compared (via the bidding or
arbitration process) to a user defined “threshold”. Whenever a
source exceeds the numerical value of the threshold the interrupt
will be generated.
At the time of interrupt acknowledge (IACKN) the source which has
the highest bid (not necessarily the source that caused the interrupt
to be generated) will be captured in a “Current Interrupt Register”
(CIR). This register will contain the complete definition of the
interrupting source: channel, type of interrupt (receiver, transmitter,
change of state, etc.), and FIFO fill level. The value of the bits in the
CIR are used to drive the interrupt vector and global registers such
that controlling processor may be steered directly to the proper
service routine. A single read operation to the CIR provides all the
information needed to qualify and quantify the most common
interrupt sources.
The interrupt sources for each channel are listed below.
• Transmit FIFO empty level for each channel
• Receive FIFO Fill level for each channel
• Change in break received status for each channel
• Receiver with error for each channel
• Change of state on channel input pins
• Receiver Watch-dog Time out Event
• Xon/Xoff character recognition
• Address character recognition
• Counter/Timer
Associated with the interrupt system are the interrupt mask register
(IMR) and the interrupt status register (ISR) resident in each UART.
Programming of the IMR selects which of the above sources may
enter the arbitration process. Only the bidders in the ISR whose
associated bit in the IMR is set to one (1) will be permitted to enter
the arbitration process. The ISR can be read by the host CPU to
determine all currently active interrupting conditions. For
1998 Oct 05