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EP2AGX95HU35C6N Datasheet PDF : 380 Pages
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June 2011
12. Power Management in Arria II
This chapter describes the static and dynamic power of Arria® II devices. Static power
is the power consumed by the FPGA when it is configured, but no clocks are
operating. Dynamic power is composed of switching power when the device is
configured and running.
The PowerPlay Power Analyzer in the Quartus® II software optimizes all designs
with Arria II power technology to ensure performance is met at the lowest power
consumption. This automatic process allows you to concentrate on the functionality of
your design instead of the power consumption of your design.
f For more information about using the PowerPlay Power Analyzer in the Quartus II
software, refer to the Power Estimation and Power Analysis section in volume 3 of the
Quartus II Handbook.
This chapter includes the following sections:
“External Power Supply Requirements” on page 12–1
“Power-On Reset Circuitry” on page 12–1
“Hot Socketing” on page 12–2
External Power Supply Requirements
f For more information about the Arria II external power supply requirements and the
power supply pin connections, refer to the following:
For more information about Altera-recommended power supply operating
conditions, refer to the Device Datasheet for Arria II Devices chapter.
For more information about power supply pin connection guidelines and
power regulator sharing, refer to the Arria II Device Family Pin Connection
Power-On Reset Circuitry
The Arria II power-on reset (POR) circuitry generates a POR signal to keep the device
in the reset state until the power supply’s voltage levels have stabilized during
power-up. The POR circuitry monitors VCC, VCCA_PLL, VCCCB, VCCPD, and VCCIO
supplies for I/O banks 3C and 8C in Arria II GX devices, where the configuration pins
are located. The POR circuitry tri-states all user I/O pins until the power supplies
reach the recommended operating levels. These power supplies are required to
monotonically reach their full-rail values without plateaus and within the maximum
power supply ramp time (tRAMP.). The POR circuitry de-asserts the POR signal after
the power supplies reach their full-rail values to release the device from the reset
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Arria II Device Handbook Volume 1: Device Interfaces and Integration
June 2011

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