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2645L8 Просмотр технического описания (PDF) - Linear Technology

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2645L8 Datasheet PDF : 20 Pages
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Pin Functions
VCC (Pin 1): Supply Voltage Input. 2.7V ≤ VCC ≤ 5.5V.
Bypass to GND with a 0.1µF capacitor.
INA, INB, INC, IND (Pins 6, 5, 11, 10): PWM Inputs. Apply
a pulse-width modulated input frequency between 30Hz
and 6.25kHz (12-bit), 25kHz (10-bit) or 100kHz (8-bit).
After each INX rising edge, the part calculates the duty
cycle based upon the pulse width and period and updates
DAC channel VOUTX. Logic levels are referenced to IOVCC.
IOVCC (Pin 7): I/O Supply Voltage Input. 1.71V ≤ IOVCC
5.5V. Bypass to GND with a 0.1µF capacitor.
IDLSEL (Pin 4): Idle Mode Select Input. Connect IDLSEL
to GND or VCC to select the behavior of the DAC output
when there has been no rising edge on the PWM input for
more than the idle mode timeout delay t3 (nominal delay
is 60ms). Available idle mode states are power-down with
high impedance output, hold previous state, zero-scale or
full-scale. This pin also selects the initial state of the DAC
outputs following a power-on reset.
PD (Pin 9): Active-Low Power-Down Input. Connect PD to
GND to place the part in power-down with a typical supply
current of <1µA. Connect PD to IOVCC for normal operation.
REFSEL (Pin 13): Reference Select Input. Connect REFSEL
to GND to select internal reference mode. Connect REFSEL
to VCC to select external reference mode.
REF (Pin 12): Reference Voltage Input or Output. When
REFSEL is connected to VCC, REF is an input (1V ≤ VREF
≤ VCC) where the voltage supplied sets the full-scale
DAC output voltage. When REFSEL is connected to GND,
the 10ppm/°C, 1.25V internal reference (half full-scale)
is available at the pin. This output may be bypassed to
GND with up to 10µF and must be buffered when driving
external DC load current.
VOUTA, VOUTB, VOUTC, VOUTD (Pins 2, 3, 14, 15): DAC
Analog Voltage Outputs. The DAC output voltage can be
calculated by the following equation:
where VREF is 2.5V in internal reference mode or the REF
pin voltage in external reference mode, tPWHX is the pulse
width of the preceding INX period and tPERX is the time
between the two most recent INX rising edges.
GND (Pins 8, 16): Ground.
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