The TDA7500 IC broken up into two distinct
blocks. One block contains the two DSP Cores
and their associated peripherals. The other con-
tains the ADC, DAC and the RDS filter, demodu-
lator and decoder.
The two DSP cores are used to process the
audio and FM/AM data, coming from the ADC,
either any kind of digital data coming via SPDIF
or SAI. After the digital signal processing these
data are sent to the DAC for analog conversion.
Functions such as volume, tone, balance, and
fader control, as well as spatial enhancement and
general purpose signal processing may be per-
formed by the DSP0. When FM/AM mode is se-
lected, DSP1 is fully devoted to AM/FM process-
ing. Nevertheless it can be used for any kind of
different application, when a different input
source is selected.
Some capabilities of the DSPs are listed below:
Single cycle multiply and accumulate with con-
vergent rounding and condition code generation
2 x 56-bit Accumulators
Double precision multiply
Scaling and saturation arithmetic
48-bit or 2 x 24-bit parallel moves
64 interrupt vector locations
Fast or long interrupts possible
Programmable interrupt priorities and masking
8 each of Address Registers, Address Offset
Registers and Address Modulo Registers
Linear, Reverse Carry, Multiple Buffer Modulo,
Multiple Wrap-around Modulo address arith-
Post-increment or decrement by 1 or by offset,
Index by offset, predecrement address
Repeat instruction and zero overhead DO
Hardware stack capable of nesting combina-
tions of 7 DO loops or 15 interrupts/subrou-
Bit manipulation instructions possible on all
registers and memory locations. Also Jump on
bit test.
4 pin serial debug interface
Debug ccess to all internal registers, buses
and memory locations
5 word deep program address history FIFO
Hardware and software breakpoints for both
program and data memory accesses
Debug Single stepping, Instruction injection
and Disassembly of program memory
There are a number of peripherals that are tightly
coupled to the two DSP Cores. Same of the pe-
ripherals are connected to DSP 0 others are con-
nected to DSP1.
512 x 24-Bit X-RAM.
512 x 24-Bit Y-RAM.
1024 x 24-Bit Program RAM (5.5K x 24 for
128 x 24-Bit Boot ROM for each DSP.
Serial Audio Interface (SAI)
SPDIF receiver with sampling rate conversion
I2C and SPI interface
XCHG Interface for DSP to DSP communica-
External Memory Interface (DRAM/SRAM) for
time-delay and traffic information.
Double Debug Port
Both DSP0 and DSP1 have an identical set of
Data and Program memories attached to them.
Each of the memories are described below and it
is implied that there are two of each type, one set
connected to DSP0 and the other to DSP1. The
only exception is the case of the P-RAM where
DSP0 has a 1024 x 24-Bit PRAM and DSP1 has
a 5.5K x 24-Bit PRAM.
512 x 24-Bit X-RAM (XRAM)
This is a 512 x 24-Bit Single Port SRAM used for
storing coefficients. The 16-Bit XRAM address,
XABx(15:0) is generated by the Address Genera-
tion Unit of the DSP core. The 24-Bit XRAM Data,
XDBx(23:0), may be written to and read from the
Data ALU of the DSP core. The XDBx Bus is also
connected to the Internal Bus Switch so that it
can be routed to and from all peripheral blocks.
512 x 24 Bit Y-RAM (YRAM)
This is a 512 x 24-Bit Single Port SRAM used for
storing coefficients. The 16-Bit address,
YABx(15:0) is generated by the Address Genera-
tion Unit of the DSP core. The 24-Bit Data,
YDBx(23:0), is written to and read from the Data
ALU of the DSP core. The YDBx Bus is also con-
nected to the Internal Bus Switch so that it can be
routed to and from other blocks.
1024 x 24-Bit Program RAM (PRAM 5.5K x 24-bit
for DSP1)
This is a 1024 x 24-Bit Single Port SRAM used
for storing and executing program code. The 16-