This LED device is packed in an aluminum envelope with a silica gel and a moisture indicator to avoid moisture
absorption. The optical characteristics of the devices may be affected by exposure to moisture in the air before
soldering and they should therefore be stored under the following conditions:
1. This moisture proof bag may be stored unopened within 12 months at the following conditions.
Temperature: 5 C to 30 C
Humidity: 90% (max)
2. After opening the moisture proof bag, the device should be assembled within 168 hours in an environment of
5°C to 30°C/60% RH or below.
3. If upon opening, the moisture indicator card shows humidity 30% or above (Color of indication changes to
pink) or the expiration date has passed, the devices should be baked in taping with reel.
After baking, use the baked devices within 72 hours, but perform baking only once.
Baking conditions: 60 5°C, for 24 to 48 hours.
Expiration date: 12 months from sealing date, which is imprinted on the label affixed.
4. Repeated baking can cause the peeling strength of the taping to change, then leads to trouble in mounting.
5. If the packing material of laminate would be broken, the hermeticity would deteriorate. Therefore, do not
throw or drop the packed devices.
Mounting Method
Reflow soldering (example)
Temperature profile for Pb soldering (example)
Temperature profile for Pb-free soldering (example)
240 C max
10 s max (*)
140 to 160 C
4 C/s max
4 C/s max(*)
60 to 120 s max(*)
5 s max(*)
260 C max
4 C/s max(*)
150 to 180 C 230 C
4 C/s max(*)
60 to 120 s max(*)
30 to 50 s max(*)
Time (s)
Time (s)
The product is evaluated using above reflow soldering conditions. No additional test is performed exceed the
condition (i.e. the condition more than (*)MAX values) as a evaluation. Please perform reflow soldering under
the above conditions.
Please perform the first reflow soldering with reference to the above temperature profile and within 168 h of
opening the package.
Second reflow soldering
In case of second reflow soldering should be performed within 168 h of the first reflow under the above
Storage conditions before the second reflow soldering: 30 C, 60% RH (max)
When any soldering corrections are made manually,a hot-plate should be used .
(only once at each soldering point)
Temperature of a hot plate: 150 C
Soldering iron:
25 W
350 C or less
within 3 s
Do not perform wave soldering.