A microchannel plate (MCP) is a secondary-electron mul-
tiplier which detects and amplifies electrons in two-dimen-
sions. The MCP is sensitive not only to electrons but to ions,
vacuum ultraviolet light, X-rays and γ-rays, making it useful in
a wide range of detection applications.
Hamamatsu has available seven types of circular MCPs,
ranging in outer diameter from 18mm to 114mm. MCP as-
semblies with electrode leads are also available to facilitate
use of the MCPs. These MCP assemblies offer three types
of read-out devices; a phosphor screen (optical image con-
version), a multi-anode (electrical output signals responding
to the position of the incident signals), and a single-anode
(an electrical output signal within the effective area), provid-
ing a variety of readout functions to handle a range of appli-
cations. From one to three MCPs can be selected as re-
quired to provide the necessary electron gain.
These MCPs and MCP assemblies are finding wide appli-
cation in fields including image intensifiers, fast time re-
sponse photomultiplier tubes, and analytical instruments.
Sensitive to electrons, ions, VUV lights, X-rays and γ-rays
• Two-dimensional image intensification
• Fast time response
• Immunity to magnetic fields
•• Small size and lightweight
• Analytical Instruments
• Electron Beam Measuring System (EBMS)
• Mass Spectrometer (MS)
• LEED, MEED, etc.
• Electron Tube
• Image Intensifier
• Fast Time Response PMT
• Streak Camera
• Cosmic Measurement
• Detection of Plasma Ions, Soft X-rays and VUV lights
• High Energy Physics
• Detection of Ions, Electrons, Positrons, High Energy
Particles and X-rays
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Information furnished by HAMAMATSU is believed to be reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for possible inaccuracies or omissions. Specifications are
subject to change without notice. No patent rights are granted to any of the circuits described herein. ©1999 Hamamatsu Photonics K.K