Diagnostics functional description
Output DC offset detection
Any DC output offset exceeding ±2 V is signalled out. This inconvenient might occur as a
consequence of initially defective or aged and worn-out input capacitors feeding a DC
component to the inputs, so putting the speakers at risk of overheating.
This diagnostic has to be performed with low-level output AC signal (or Vin = 0).
The test is run with selectable time duration by microprocessor (from a "start" to a "stop"
– Start = Last reading operation or setting IB1 - D5 - (offset enable) to 1
The TDA7563B signals out an offset to the user if this offset condition is stable during the
assigned testing time. This feature is disabled if any overloads leading to activation of the
short-circuit protection occurs in the process.
AC diagnostic
It is targeted at detecting accidental disconnection of tweeters in 2-way speaker and, more
in general, presence of capacitively (AC) coupled loads.
This diagnostic is based on the notion that the overall speaker's impedance (woofer +
parallel tweeter) will tend to increase towards high frequencies if the tweeter gets
disconnected, because the remaining speaker (woofer) would be out of its operating range
(high impedance). The diagnostic decision is made according to peak output current
thresholds, as follows:
Iout > 500 mApk = normal status
Iout < 250 mApk = open tweeter
To correctly implement this feature, it is necessary to briefly provide a signal tone (with the
amplifier in "play") whose frequency and magnitude are such as to determine an output
current higher than 500 mApk with in normal conditions and lower than 250 mApk should
the parallel tweeter be missing.
The test has to last for a minimum number of 3 sine cycles starting from the activation of the
AC diagnostic function IB2 < D2 > 0 up to the I2C reading of the results (measuring period).
To confirm presence of tweeter, it is necessary to find at least 3 current pulses over 500 mA
over all the measuring period, else an "open tweeter" message will be issued.
The frequency / magnitude setting of the test tone depends on the impedance
characteristics of each specific speaker being used, with or without the tweeter connected
(to be calculated case by case). High-frequency tones (> 10 kHz) or even ultrasonic signals
are recommended for their negligible acoustic impact and also to maximize the impedance
module's ratio between with tweeter-on and tweeter-off.
Figure 27 shows the load impedance as a function of the peak output voltage and the
relevant diagnostic fields.
This feature is disabled if any overloads leading to activation of the short-circuit protection
occurs in the process.
Doc ID 12733 Rev 6