Revision 0.8 to Revision 1.0
Added block diagram to front page; updated feature bullet lists.
Electrical Specifications Tables Additions:
Voltage Regulator Current Sense Supply Current, Typ = 3 µA (Table 3.2)
Power Mode 2 Wake Time, Min = 4 clocks, Max = 5 clocks (Table 3.3)
External Crystal Clock Frequency, Min = 0.01 MHz, Max = 30 MHz (Table 3.9)
Added /RESET pin characteristics (Table 3.17)
Electrical Specifications Tables Removals:
Power Mode 3 Wake Time (Table 3.3)
Electrical Specifications Tables Corretions/Adjustments:
IVC Supply Current, Max = 2.5 µA (Table 3.2)
VREG0 Output Voltage Normal Mode, Min = 3.15 V (Table 3.5)
VREG0 Output Voltage Suspend Mode, Min = 3.15 V (Table 3.5)
External Regulator Internal Pull-Down, Typ = 5 k (Table 3.6)
External Regulator Internal Pull-Up, Typ = 10 k (Table 3.6)
Flash Memory Endurance, Typ = 100k write/erase cycles (Table 3.7)
Flash Memory Retention, Min = 10 Years, Typ = 100 Years (Table 3.7)
Low Power Oscillator Frequency, Min = 19.5 MHz, Max = 20.5 MHz (Table 3.8)
SAR Dynamic Performance : consolidated all specs. (Table 3.10)
IDAC Full Scale Output Current 1 mA Range, Min = 0.99 mA (Table 3.11)
IDAC Full Scale Output Current 0.5 mA Range, Min = 493 µA (Table 3.11)
IVC Slope @ 1 mA, Min = 1.55 V/mA, Max = 1.75 V/mA (Table 3.13)
IVC Slope @ 2 mA, Min = 795 mV/mA, Max = 860 mV/mA (Table 3.13)
IVC Slope @ 3 mA, Min = 525 mV/mA, Max = 570 mV/mA (Table 3.13)
IVC Slope @ 4 mA, Min = 390 mV/mA, Max = 430 mV/mA (Table 3.13)
IVC Slope @ 5 mA, Min = 315 mV/mA (Table 3.13)
IVC Slope @ 6 mA, Min = 260 mV/mA (Table 3.13)
Temperature Sensor Slope Error, Type = ±120 µV/C (Table 3.15)
Comparator Input Offset Voltage, Min = –10 mV, Max = 10 mV (Table 3.16)
“4. Precision32™ SiM3C1xx System Overview” :
Updated Power Modes discussion.
Refined and updated feature bullet lists.
Updated and clarified RTC timer clock output. The RTC output is now referred to as "RTC0TCLK".
“6. Pin Definitions and Packaging Information” : Renamed RTC0OSC_OUT function to RTC0TCLK_OUT for
“7. Revision Specific Behavior” : Updated revision identification drawings to better match physical appearance
of packages.