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AD9802JST Просмотр технического описания (PDF) - Analog Devices

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AD9802JST Datasheet PDF : 20 Pages
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The disadvantage of this circuit is that the control voltage will
be supply dependent. If additional precision is required, an
Power Supply Connectors
external op amp can be used to amplify the VREFT (1.75 V) or J1 VDD: +3 V supply for the AD9801/AD9802. Data
VREFB (1.25 V) pins on the AD9802 to the desired voltage
sheet specifications are given for +3.15 V. Operational
level. These reference voltages are stable over the operating
range is from +3 V to +3.5 V.
supply range of the AD9802. Low power, low cost, rail-to-rail
J2 AVCC: +5 V supply for the AD8047 buffer, and for the
output amplifiers like the AD820, OP150 and OP196 are speci-
PGACONT and PIN potentiometers. If the buffer am-
fied for 3 V operation. Alternatively, a precision voltage refer-
plifier is not needed, AVCC may be connected to the
ence may be used. The REF193 from Analog Devices features
VDD supply.
low power, low dropout performance, maintaining a 3 V output
with a minimum 3.1 V supply when lightly loaded.
J3 AVSS: –5 V supply for the AD8047 buffer. If the buffer
amplifier is not needed, AVSS may be connected to J4.
Power and Grounding Recommendations
The AD9802 should be treated as an analog component when
J4 AGND: This is the analog ground plane for the
OBSOLETE used in a system. The same power supply and ground plane
should be used for all of the pins. In a two-ground system, this
requires that the digital supply pins be decoupled to the analog
ground plane and the digital ground pins be connected to ana-
log ground for best noise performance. If any pins on the
AD9802 are connected to the system digital ground, then noise
can capacitively couple inside the AD9802 (through package
and die parasitics) from the digital circuitry to the analog
circuitry. Separate digital supplies can be used, particularly if
slightly different driver supplies are needed, but the digital
power pins should still be decoupled to the same point as the
digital ground pins (analog ground plane). If the AD9802 digi-
tal outputs need to drive a bus or substantial load, a buffer
should be used at the AD9802’s outputs, with the buffer refer-
enced to system digital ground. In some cases, when system
digital noise is not substantial, it is acceptable to split the
ground pins on the AD9802 to separate analog and digital
AD9801/AD9802 and the buffer amplifier. The two
ground planes are already connected together in one
place on the evaluation board.
J5 DGND: This is the digital ground plane for the
LVXC3245 transceivers. The two ground planes are
already connected together in one place on the evalua-
tion board.
J6 +3D: +3 V digital supply for the LVXC3245 transceivers.
J7 +3/5D: +3 V or +5 V digital supply for the LVXC3245
transceivers. This voltage determines the logic compat-
ibility of the evaluation board. If 3 V clock levels and
3 V digital output levels are to be used, connect +3 V to
J7. If +5 V clock levels and +5 digital output levels are
to be used, connect +5 V to J7.
Input Connectors
J8 DIN: Unbuffered input to the AD9801/AD9802. This
ground planes. If this is done, be sure to connect the ground
input is 50 terminated by R4, which may be removed
pins together at the AD9802.
if no termination is required. See Input Configurations
To further improve performance, isolating the driver supply
for more information.
DRVDD from DVDD with a ferrite bead can help reduce kick- J9
back effects during major code transitions. Alternatively, the use
of damping resistors on the digital outputs will reduce the out-
put rise times, reducing the kickback effect.
VIN: Input to the AD8047 buffer amplifier. This
input is 50 terminated by R5, which may be re-
moved if no termination is required. This op amp
can be used as a buffer to drive the DIN pin on the
Evaluation Board
An evaluation board for the AD9802 is available. The board
includes circuitry for manual PGA gain adjustment, input signal
AD9801/AD9802, or as a buffer for driving the direct
ADC input on the AD9802. See Input Configurations
and the AD9802 data sheet for more information.
buffering, and logic level translation for 3 V or 5 V digital signals. Clock Connectors
Documentation for the AD9802-EB is included, consisting of a
board description, schematic and layout information.
All of the clock inputs are 50 terminated and buffered by an
LVXC3245 transceiver. The supply level at J7 determines the
input clock level compatibility. The outputs of the LVXC3245
always send +3 V clock levels to the AD9801/AD9802.
REV. 0

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