The blue LED is a device that is very sensitive to serge voltage
produced when static electricity is discharged.Handling with sufficient
care is needed to prevent damage to a chip or a drop in its reliability.
Also,the same handling care is needed when applying voltage over the
absolute maximum rating.
(Be aware of serge voltage produced when you turn the on-off switch)
How to prevent electrical charge and discharge during operation
If the person who is electrically charged touches the part, there is a
possibility of electric discharge toward the semiconductor device which
may destroy the part, if the part is electrically charged inductively by
the surroundings,or the part is electrically charged by friction and
touches metal, the part may discharge static and cause damage.
During your operations,please take these countermeasures written below.
1. Do not let material which is electrically chaged get close to the part.
(Avoid contact with metal when the part is electrically charged)
2. Avoid any friction process with the part
3. Be sure to ground all manufacturing machines and measuring instruments if possible
4. Make an anti-static environment,such as placing electrically conductive mat
(below 106Ω )or using anti-static equipment such as static blow
Let the worker wear the anti-static wrist strap,(Electrical resistance of 250K-1MΩ
must be placed in series to avoid an electric shock.)
Working Environment
In case of semiconductor device, static occurs easily in dry condition .
Especially the surface mount led should be kept in a dry environment
to avoid moisture absorbency .But a relative humidity of 50% or more
is recommended for the process after the soldering .
Static level should be kept under 300V at your working area.
Unity Opto Technology Co., Ltd.