General Description
Programmable Options
1.4 Programmable Options
The options in Table 1-1 are programmable in the mask option register
Table 1-1. Programmable Options
COP watchdog timer
External interrupt triggering
Port A IRQ pin interrupts
Port pulldown resistors
STOP instruction mode
Crystal oscillator internal resistor
EPROM security
Short oscillator delay counter
Enabled or disabled
Edge-sensitive only or edge- and level-sensitive
Enabled or disabled
Enabled or disabled
Stop mode or halt mode
Enabled or disabled
Enabled or disabled
Enabled or disabled
1.5 Pin Assignments
Figure 1-2 shows the MC68HC705J1A pin assignments.
1.5.1 VDD and VSS
VDD and VSS are the power supply and ground pins. The MCU operates
from a single power supply.
Very fast signal transitions occur on the MCU pins, placing high,
short-duration current demands on the power supply. To prevent noise
problems, take special care as Figure 1-3 shows, by placing the bypass
capacitors as close as possible to the MCU. C2 is an optional bulk
current bypass capacitor for use in applications that require the port pins
to source high current levels.
MC68HC705J1A — Rev. 4.0
General Description
Technical Data