MC13175 MC13176
Manufacturers specify crystal for either series or parallel
resonant operation. The frequency for the parallel mode is
calibrated with a specified shunt capacitance called a “load
capacitance.” The most common value is 30 to 32 pF. If the
load capacitance is placed in series with the crystal, the
equivalent circuit will be series resonance at the specified
parallel–resonant frequency. Frequencies up to 20 MHz use
parallel resonant crystal operating in the fundamental mode,
while above 20 MHz to about 60 MHz, a series resonant
crystal specified and calibrated for operation in the overtone
mode is used.
Application Examples
Two types of crystal oscillator circuits are used in the
applications circuits: 1) fundamental mode common emitter
Colpitts (Figures 1, 18, 19, and 25), and 2) third overtone
impedance inversion Colpitts (also Figures 1 and 25).
The fundamental mode common emitter Colpitts uses a
parallel resonant crystal calibrated with a 32 pf load
capacitance. The capacitance values are chosen to provide
excellent frequency stability and output power
of > 500 mVp–p at Pin 9. In Figures 1 and 25, the
fundamental mode reference oscillator is fixed tuned relying
on the repeatability of the crystal and passive network to
maintain the frequency, while in the circuit shown in Figures
18 and 19, the oscillator frequency can be adjusted with the
variable inductor for the precise operating frequency.
The third overtone impedance inversion Colpitts uses a
series resonance crystal with a 25 ppm tolerance. In the
application examples (Figures 1 and 25), the reference
oscillator operates with the third overtone crystal at
40.0000 MHz. Thus, the MC13175 is operated at 320 MHz
(fo/8 = crystal; 320/8 = 40.0000 MHz. The resistor across the
crystal ensures that the crystal will operate in the series
resonant mode. A tuneable inductor is used to adjust the
oscillation frequency; it forms a parallel resonant circuit with
the series and parallel combination of the external capacitors
forming the divider and feedback network and the
base–emitter capacitance of the device. If the crystal is
shorted, the reference oscillator should free–run at the
frequency dictated by the parallel resonant LC network.
The reference oscillator can be operated as high as
60 MHz with a third overtone crystal. Therefore, it is
possible to use the MC13175 up to at least 480 MHz and the
MC13176 up to 950 MHz (based on the maximum capability
of the divider network).
Enable (Pin 11)
The enabling resistor at Pin 11 is calculated by:
Reg. enable = VCC – 1.0 Vdc/Ireg. enable
From Figure 4, Ireg. enable is chosen to be 75 µA. So, for a
VCC = 3.0 Vdc Rreg. enable = 26.6 kΩ, a standard value
27 kΩ resistor is adequate.
Layout Considerations
Supply (Pin 12): In the PCB layout, the VCC trace must be
kept as wide as possible to minimize inductive reactance
along the trace; it is best that VCC (RF ground) completely fills
around the surface mounted components and interconnect
traces on the circuit side of the board. This technique is
demonstrated in the evaluation PC board.
Battery/Selection/Lithium Types
The device may be operated from a 3.0 V lithium battery.
Selection of a suitable battery is important. Because one of
the major problems for long life battery powered equipment is
oxidation of the battery terminals, a battery mounted in a
clip–in socket is not advised. The battery leads or contact
post should be isolated from the air to eliminate oxide
build–up. The battery should have PC board mounting tabs
which can be soldered to the PCB. Consideration should be
given for the peak current capability of the battery. Lithium
batteries have current handling capabilities based on the
composition of the lithium compound, construction and the
battery size. A 1300 mA/hr rating can be achieved in the
cylindrical cell battery. The Rayovac CR2/3A
lithium–manganese dioxide battery is a crimp sealed, spiral
wound 3.0 Vdc, 1300 mA/hr cylindrical cell with PC board
mounting tabs. It is an excellent choice based on capacity
and size (1.358″ long by 0.665″ in diameter).
Differential Output (Pins 13, 14)
The availability of micro–coaxial cable and small baluns in
surface mount and radial–leaded components allows for
simple interface to the output ports. A loop antenna may be
directly connected with bias via RFC or 50 Ω resistors.
Antenna configuration will vary depending on the space
available and the frequency of operation.
AM Modulation (Pin 16)
Amplitude Shift Key: The MC13175 and MC13176 are
designed to accommodate Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK).
ASK modulation is a form of digital modulation corresponding
to AM. The amplitude of the carrier is switched between two
or more values in response to the PCM code. For the binary
case, the usual choice is On–Off Keying (often abbreviated
OOK). The resultant amplitude modulated waveform
consists of RF pulses called marks, representing binary 1
and spaces representing binary 0.