Quad Current-Sense Amplifier
with Overcurrent Threshold Comparators
Detailed Description
The MAX34406 quad-channel, unidirectional, high-side,
current-sense amplifier features a 2.0V to 28V input
common-mode range. This feature allows the monitoring
of current out of a voltage supply as low as 2.0V. The
device monitors current through a current-sense resistor
and amplifies the voltage across that resistor.
Current-sense amplifier output voltages (OUT1 to OUT4)
are compared to a fixed 1.0V reference; if VOUTx
exceeds 1.0V, the corresponding overcurrent warning
output (OC1 to OC4) is asserted. If the enable input
(ENA) is logic-high, SHTDN asserts when any of the four
overcurrent outputs go logic-high. Assertion of SHTDN on
overcurrent can be delayed and/or filtered by attaching
an external capacitor to CDLY. Once SHTDN is latched
high impedance, it remains so until ENA is toggled.
The unidirectional current-sense amplifiers used in each
channel of the device have a well established history. For
each channel, an op amp is used to force the current
through an internal gain resistor at IN+, which has a value
of R1, such that its voltage drop equals the voltage drop
across an external sense resistor, RSENSE. There is an
internal resistor at IN- with the same value as R1 to mini-
mize offset voltage. The current through R1 is sourced by
a high-voltage p-channel FET. Its source current is the
same as its drain current, which flows through a second
gain resistor, ROUTx. This produces an output voltage,
VOUTx, whose magnitude is ILOAD x RSENSE x ROUTx/R1.
The gain accuracy is based on the matching of the two
gain resistors, R1 and ROUTx (Table 1). Total gain = 25V/V
for the MAX34406T, 50V/V for the MAX34406F, 100V/V
for the MAX34406H, and 200V/V for the MAX34406W.
The output is protected from input overdrive by use of a
6V clamp-protection circuit.
Table 1. Internal Gain Setting Resistors
(Typical Values)
R1 (I)
ROUTx (kI)
Applications Information
Choosing the Sense Resistor
Choose RSENSE based on the criteria detailed in the fol-
lowing sections.
Voltage Loss
A high RSENSE value causes the power-source voltage
to drop due to IR loss. For minimal voltage loss, use the
lowest RSENSE value.
OUTx Swing vs. VINx+ and VSENSE
The device is unique because the supply voltage for
the current-sense amplifier in each channel is the input
common-mode voltage for that channel (the average
voltage at INx+ and INx-). There are no separate supply
voltage pins for the current-sense amplifiers. Therefore,
the OUTx voltage swing for a given channel is limited by
the minimum voltage at IN+ for that channel.
VSENSE full scale should be less than VOUTx/gain at the
minimum INx+ voltage. For best performance with a 3.6V
supply voltage, select RSENSE to provide approximately
120mV (gain of 25V/V), 60mV (gain of 50V/V), 30mV (gain
of 100V/V), or 15mV (gain of 200V/V) of sense voltage for
the full-scale current in each application. These can be
increased by use of a higher minimum input voltage.
In the linear region (VOUTx < VOUTx(MAX)), there are
two components to accuracy: input offset voltage (VOS)
and gain error (GE). For all variants of the device,
VOS = P 600FV (max); gain error is 0.6% (max) for the
MAX34406T/F/H or 0.8% (max) for the MAX34406W. Use
the linear equation to calculate total error:
where GE is gain error, VSENSE is the voltage across
the sense resistor RSENSE, and VOS is offset voltage. A
high RSENSE value allows lower currents to be measured
more accurately because offsets are less significant
when the sense voltage is larger.
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