IDD7A : Operating current: Four bank operation
1. Four banks are being interleaved with tRC(min), Burst Mode, Address and Control inputs on NOP edge are not
changing. lout = 0mA
2. Timing patterns
- DDR200(100Mhz, CL=2) : tCK = 10ns, CL2, BL=4, tRRD = 2*tCK, tRCD= 3*tCK, Read with autoprecharge
Read : A0 N A1 R0 A2 R1 A3 R2 A0 R3 A1 R0 - repeat the same timing with random address changing
*100% of data changing at every burst
- DDR266B(133Mhz, CL=2.5) : tCK = 7.5ns, CL=2.5, BL=4, tRRD = 2*tCK, tRCD = 3*tCK
Read with autoprecharge
Read : A0 N A1 R0 A2 R1 A3 R2 N R3 A0 N A1 R0 - repeat the same timing with random address changing
*100% of data changing at every burst
- DDR266A (133Mhz, CL=2) : tCK = 7.5ns, CL2=2, BL=4, tRRD = 2*tCK, tRCD = 3*tCK,Read with autoprecharge
Read : A0 N A1 R0 A2 R1 A3 R2 N R3 A0 N A1 R0 - repeat the same timing with random address changing
*100% of data changing at every burst
-DDR333(166Mhz,CL=2.5) : tCK=6ns, CL=2.5, BL=4, tRRD=2*tCK, tRCD=3*tCK,Read with autoprecharge
Read : A0 N A1 R0 A2 R1 A3 R2 N R3 A0 N A1 R0 - repeat the same timing with random address changing
*100% of data changing at every burst
Legend : A=Activate, R=Read, W=Write, P=Precharge, N=NOP
AC Operating Conditions
Input High (Logic 1) Voltage, DQ, DQS and DM signals
Input Low (Logic 0) Voltage, DQ, DQS and DM signals.
Input Differential Voltage, CK and CK inputs
Input Crossing Point Voltage, CK and CK inputs
VIH(AC) VREF + 0.31
VID(AC) 0.7
VREF - 0.31
VIX(AC) 0.5*VDDQ-0.2 0.5*VDDQ+0.2
Note 1. VID is the magnitude of the difference between the input level on CK and the input on CK.
2. The value of VIX is expected to equal 0.5*VDDQ of the transmitting device and must track variations in the DC level of the same.
3. These parameters should be tested at the pim on actual components and may be checked at either the pin or the pad in simula-
tion. the AC and DC input specificatims are refation to a Vref envelope that has been bandwidth limited 20MHz.
Rev. 0.0 Dec. 2001