M29F200T, M29F200B
Table 9. Status Register Bits
Logic Level
Erase Complete or erase
block in Erase Suspend
Erase On-going
Indicates the P/E.C. status, check during
Program or Erase, and on completion
Program Complete or data
of non erase block during
before checking bits DQ5 for Program or
Erase Success.
Erase Suspend
Program On-going
’-1-0-1-0-1-0-1-’ Erase or Program On-going
Program Complete
6 Toggle Bit
Erase Complete or Erase
’-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-’ Suspend on currently
addressed block
Successive reads output complementary
data on DQ6 while Programming or Erase
operations are on-going. DQ6 remains at
constant level when P/E.C. operations are
completed or Erase Suspend is
5 Error Bit
Program or Erase Error
This bit is set to ’1’ in the case of
Programming or Erase failure.
Program or Erase On-going
4 Reserved
Time Bit
P/E.C. Erase operation has started. Only
Erase Timeout Period Expired possible command entry is Erase Suspend
Erase Timeout Period
An additional block to be erased in parallel
can be entered to the P/E.C.
Chip Erase, Erase or Erase
Suspend on the currently
addressed block.
Erase Error due to the
currently addressed block
2 Toggle Bit
(when DQ5 = ’1’).
Indicates the erase status and allows to
identify the erased block
Program on-going, Erase
on-going on another block or
Erase Complete
Erase Suspend read on
non Erase Suspend block
1 Reserved
0 Reserved
Notes: Logic level ’1’ is High, ’0’ is Low. -0-1-0-0-0-1-1-1-0- represent bit value in successive Read operations.
Toggle Bit (DQ6). When Programming or Erasing
operations are in progress, successive attempts to
read DQ6 will output complementarydata. DQ6 will
toggle following toggling of either G, or E when G
is low. The operation is completed when two suc-
cessive reads yield the same output data. The next
read will output the bit last programmed or a ’1’ after
erasing. The toggle bit DQ6 is valid only during
P/E.C. operations, that is after the fourth W pulse
for programming or after the sixth W pulse for
Erase. If the blocks selected for erasure are pro-
tected, DQ6 will toggle for about 100µs and then
return back to Read. DQ6 will be set to ’1’ if a Read
operationis attemptedon an Erase Suspendblock.
When erase is suspended DQ6 will toggle during
programming operations in a block different to the
block in Erase Suspend. Either E or G toggling will
cause DQ6 to toggle. See Figure 12 for Toggle Bit
flowchart and Figure 13 for Toggle Bit waveforms.