OPERATIO (Refer to Functional Diagram)
Output Overvoltage Protection
An overvoltage comparator, OV, guards against transient
overshoots (>7.5%) as well as other more serious condi-
tions that may overvoltage the output. In this case, the top
MOSFET is turned off and the bottom MOSFET is turned on
until the overvoltage condition is cleared.
Power Good (PGOOD) Pin
The PGOOD pin is connected to an open drain of an internal
MOSFET. The MOSFET turns on and pulls the pin low when
either output is not within ±7.5% of the nominal output
level as determined by the resistive feedback divider.
When both outputs meet the ±7.5% requirement, the
MOSFET is turned off within 10µs and the pin is allowed to
be pulled up by an external resistor to a source of up to 7V.
Foldback Current, Short-Circuit Detection
and Short-Circuit Latchoff
The RUN/SS capacitors are used initially to limit the inrush
current of each switching regulator. After the controller
has been started and been given adequate time to charge
up the output capacitors and provide full load current, the
RUN/SS capacitor is used in a short-circuit time-out
circuit. If the output voltage falls to less than 70% of its
nominal output voltage, the RUN/SS capacitor begins
discharging on the assumption that the output is in an
overcurrent and/or short-circuit condition. If the condi-
tion lasts for a long enough period as determined by the
size of the RUN/SS capacitor, the controller will be shut
down until the RUN/SS pin(s) voltage(s) are recycled.
This built-in latchoff can be overridden by providing a
>5µA pull-up at a compliance of 5V to the RUN/SS pin(s).
This current shortens the soft start period but also pre-
vents net discharge of the RUN/SS capacitor(s) during an
overcurrent and/or short-circuit condition. Foldback cur-
rent limiting is also activated when the output voltage falls
below 70% of its nominal level whether or not the short-
circuit latchoff circuit is enabled. Even if a short is present
and the short-circuit latchoff is not enabled, a safe, low
output current is provided due to internal current foldback
and actual power wasted is low due to the efficient nature
of the current mode switching regulator.
The LTC1628 and the LTC3707-SYNC dual high efficiency
DC/DC controllers bring the considerable benefits of
2-phase operation to portable applications for the first
time. Notebook computers, PDAs, handheld terminals and
automotive electronics will all benefit from the lower input
filtering requirement, reduced electromagnetic interfer-
ence (EMI) and increased efficiency associated with
2-phase operation.
Why the need for 2-phase operation? Up until the LTC1628
family of parts, constant-frequency dual switching regula-
tors operated both channels in phase (i.e., single-phase
operation). This means that both switches turned on at the
same time, causing current pulses of up to twice the
amplitude of those for one regulator to be drawn from the
input capacitor and battery. These large amplitude current
pulses increased the total RMS current flowing from the
input capacitor, requiring the use of more expensive input
capacitors and increasing both EMI and losses in the input
capacitor and battery.
With 2-phase operation, the two channels of the dual-
switching regulator are operated 180 degrees out of
phase. This effectively interleaves the current pulses
drawn by the switches, greatly reducing the overlap time
where they add together. The result is a significant reduc-
tion in total RMS input current, which in turn allows less
expensive input capacitors to be used, reduces shielding
requirements for EMI and improves real world operating
Figure 3 compares the input waveforms for a representa-
tive single-phase dual switching regulator to the LTC1628
2-phase dual switching regulator. An actual measurement
of the RMS input current under these conditions shows
that 2-phase operation dropped the input current from
2.53ARMS to 1.55ARMS. While this is an impressive reduc-
tion in itself, remember that the power losses are propor-
tional to IRMS2, meaning that the actual power wasted is
reduced by a factor of 2.66. The reduced input ripple
voltage also means less power is lost in the input power
path, which could include batteries, switches, trace/con-
nector resistances and protection circuitry. Improvements
in both conducted and radiated EMI also directly accrue as
a result of the reduced RMS input current and voltage.