Pin Functions GN/UF Packages
PGTMR (Pin 23/Pin 20): Power Good Timer. A capacitor
from PGTMR to GND sets the power good timer duration.
While ON > 1.23V, the PGTMR pin will pull up to VCC with
10µA. Otherwise, it pulls to GND. If the voltage on the
PGTMR pin exceeds 1.23V and PGI is still low, FAULT will
be pulled low and the GATE will be pulled to ground with
20mA until the power good timer fault is cleared by pulling
ON below 0.4V. If FAULT is tied back to ON the system
will automatically retry after a FAULT. In this mode, verify
that the slave supplies’ current limits provide sufficient
protection under short-circuit conditions. Tie PGTMR to
GND when it is unused.
SCTMR (Pin 24/Pin 21): Circuit Breaker Timer. A capacitor
from SCTMR to GND programs the maximum time that a
short circuit can be sustained before GATE is pulled low.
When (SENSEP – SENSEN) > 50mV, SCTMR will pull up
with 50µA, otherwise it pulls down with 2µA. When the
voltage at SCTMR exceeds 1.23V, the GATE will be pulled
to ground with 20mA and the FAULT pin will be pulled low.
The circuit breaker function is reset by pulling ON below
0.4V. The GATE pin will not rise again until SCTMR has
been pulled below 100mV by the 2µA current source. If
FAULT is tied back to ON the system will automatically
retry after a fault. Tie SCTMR to GND if the circuit breaker
is not used.
For more information