Selection of Operating Frequency
The LTC1876 uses a constant frequency architecture with
the frequency determined by an internal oscillator
capacitor. This internal capacitor is charged by a fixed
current plus an additional current that is proportional to
the voltage applied to the FREQSET pin.
A graph for the voltage applied to the FREQSET pin vs
frequency is given in Figure 5. As the operating frequency
is increased the gate charge losses will be higher, reducing
efficiency (see Efficiency Considerations). The maximum
switching frequency is approximately 310kHz.
Inductor Value Calculation
The operating frequency and inductor selection are inter-
related in that higher operating frequencies allow the use
of smaller inductor and capacitor values. So why would
anyone ever choose to operate at lower frequencies with
larger components? The answer is efficiency. A higher
frequency generally results in lower efficiency because of
MOSFET gate charge losses. In addition to this basic
trade-off, the effect of inductor value on ripple current and
low current operation must also be considered.
The inductor value has a direct effect on ripple current. The
inductor ripple current ∆IL decreases with higher induc-
tance or frequency and increases with higher VIN or VOUT:
Accepting larger values of ∆IL allows the use of low
inductances, but results in higher output voltage ripple
and greater core losses. A reasonable starting point for
setting ripple current is ∆IL=0.3(IMAX). Remember, the
maximum ∆IL occurs at the maximum input voltage.
The inductor value also has secondary effects. The transi-
tion to Burst Mode operation begins when the average
inductor current required results in a peak current below
25% of the current limit determined by RSENSE. Lower
inductor values (higher ∆IL) will cause this to occur at
lower load currents, which can cause a dip in efficiency in
the upper range of low current operation. In Burst Mode
operation, lower inductance values will cause the burst
frequency to decrease.
Inductor Core Selection
Once the value for L is known, the type of inductor must be
selected. High efficiency converters generally cannot af-
ford the core loss found in low cost powdered iron cores,
forcing the use of more expensive ferrite, molypermalloy,
or Kool Mµ®cores. Actual core loss is independent of core
size for a fixed inductor value, but it is very dependent on
inductance selected. As inductance increases, core losses
go down. Unfortunately, increased inductance requires
more turns of wire and therefore copper losses will in-
Ferrite designs have very low core loss and are preferred
at high switching frequencies, so design goals can con-
centrate on copper loss and preventing saturation. Ferrite
core material saturates “hard,” which means that induc-
tance collapses abruptly when the peak design current is
exceeded. This results in an abrupt increase in inductor
ripple current and consequent output voltage ripple. Do
not allow the core to saturate!
Molypermalloy (from Magnetics, Inc.) is a very good, low
loss core material for toroids, but it is more expensive than
ferrite. A reasonable compromise from the same manu-
facturer is Kool Mµ. Toroids are very space efficient,
especially when you can use several layers of wire. Be-
cause they generally lack a bobbin, mounting is more
difficult. However, designs for surface mount are available
that do not increase the height significantly.
Power MOSFET and D1 Selection
Two external power MOSFETs must be selected for each
controller with the LTC1876: One N-channel MOSFET for
the top (main) switch, and one N-channel MOSFET for the
bottom (synchronous) switch.
The peak-to-peak drive levels are set by the INTVCC volt-
age. This voltage is typically 5V during start-up (see
EXTVCC Pin Connection). Consequently, logic-level thresh-
old MOSFETs must be used in most applications. The only
exception is if low input voltage is expected (VIN < 5V);
Kool Mµ is a registered trademark of Magnetics, Inc.