Integral nonlinearity errors (INL) and differential nonlin-
earity errors (DNL) are largely independent of the common
mode voltage. However, the offset error will vary. CMRR
is typically better than 60dB.
Figure 4 shows the ideal input/output characteristics for
the LTC1407/LTC1407A. The code transitions occur mid-
way between successive integer LSB values (i.e., 0.5LSB,
1.5LSB, 2.5LSB, FS – 1.5LSB). The output code is natural
binary with 1LSB = 2.5V/16384 = 153µV for the LTC1407A
and 1LSB = 2.5V/4096 = 610µV for the LTC1407. The
LTC1407A has 1LSB RMS of Gaussian white noise.
Board Layout and Bypassing
Wire wrap boards are not recommended for high resolu-
tion and/or high speed A/D converters. To obtain the best
performance from the LTC1407/LTC1407A, a printed cir-
cuit board with ground plane is required. Layout for the
printed circuit board should ensure that digital and analog
signal lines are separated as much as possible. In particu-
lar, care should be taken not to run any digital track
alongside an analog signal track. If optimum phase match
between the inputs is desired, the length of the four input
wires of the two input channels should be kept matched.
But each pair of input wires to the two input channels
should be kept separated by a ground trace to avoid high
frequency crosstalk between channels.
High quality tantalum and ceramic bypass capacitors should
be used at the VDD and VREF pins as shown in the Block
Diagram on the first page of this data sheet. For optimum
performance, a 10µF surface mount tantalum capacitor
with a 0.1µF ceramic is recommended for the VDD and VREF
pins. Alternatively, 10µF ceramic chip capacitors such as
X5R or X7R may be used. The capacitors must be located
as close to the pins as possible. The traces connecting the
pins and the bypass capacitors must be kept short and
should be made as wide as possible. The VDD bypass ca-
pacitor returns to GND (Pin 6) and the VREF bypass capaci-
tor returns to the Exposed Pad ground (Pin 11). Care should
be taken to place the 0.1µF VDD bypass capacitor as close
to Pins 6 and 7 as possible.
Figure 5 shows the recommended system ground connec-
tions. All analog circuitry grounds should be terminated at
the LTC1407/LTC1407A Exposed Pad. The ground return
from the LTC1407/LTC1407A Pin 6 to the power supply
should be low impedance for noise-free operation. The
Exposed Pad of the 10-lead MSE package is also tied to
Pin␣ 6 and the LTC1407/LTC1407A GND. The Exposed Pad
should be soldered on the PC board to reduce ground
connection inductance. Digital circuitry grounds must be
connected to the digital supply common.
1407 F04
Figure 4. LTC1407/LTC1407A Transfer Characteristic