LM236 - LM336,B
The LM236, LM336 voltage references are easier
to use than zener diodes. Their low impedance
and wide current range facilitate biasing in any cir-
cuits. Besides, the breakdown voltage or the tem-
perature coefficient can be adjusted so as to opti-
mize the performance of the circuit.
Figure 1 represents a LM336 with a 10kΩ potenti-
ometer to adjust the reverse breakdown voltage
which can be adjusted without altering the temper-
ature coefficient of the circuit. The adjustment
range is generally sufficient to adjust the initial tol-
erance of the circuit and the inaccuracy of the am-
plifier circuit.
To obtain a lower temperature coefficient two di-
odes can be connected in series as indicated in
Figure 2.
When the circuit is adjusted to 2.49V the tempera-
ture coefficient is minimized.
For a correct temperature coefficient, the diodes
should be at the same ambient temperature as the
LM336. The value of R1 is not critical (2-20kΩ).