Bootstrap driver
The following equation is useful to compute the drop on the bootstrap DMOS:
Ich arg eRdson → Vdrop
Tch arge
where Qgate is the gate charge of the external power MOS, Rdson is the on resistance of the
bootstrap DMOS, and Tcharge is the charging time of the bootstrap capacitor.
For example: using a power MOS with a total gate charge of 30nC the drop on the bootstrap
DMOS is about 1V, if the Tcharge is 5µs. In fact:
Vdrop = -3--5-0--µ--n--s-C--- ⋅ 125Ω ∼ 0.8V
Vdrop has to be taken into account when the voltage drop on CBOOT is calculated: if this drop
is too high, or the circuit topology doesn’t allow a sufficient charging time, an external diode
can be used.